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Car wash project for trucks and cars for 2 posts
Design, working documentation including estimates for the construction of a car wash for trucks and cars for 2 posts.
Technical and economic indicators
Total building area: 743,4 m2
Building area: 777,7 m2
Construction volume of the building: 4632 m3
Installed electrical equipment, kW: 111,8
Heat demand, kW: 924,6
Water supply, l/day: 1800
Main technological equipment, pcs.: 42
Information about the functional purpose of the car wash
The project for the construction of a collapsible car wash complex for washing buses, trucks and cars developed a technical assignment for the development of design and estimate documentation for a collapsible car wash complex for washing buses, trucks and cars in open parking lots. The projected collapsible car wash complex for the 2nd line, equipped with mechanized washing installations 1126M of the Bezhsky plant: according to the class of functional fire hazard: industrial premises - F5.1; administrative and amenity premises - F4.3; degree of fire resistance Sha; fire hazard category D; constructive fire hazard class CO. The projected collapsible car wash complex is a rectangular building with dimensions in the axes 1-9 / A-D 45000x16500mm with a gable roof, roof slopes of different sizes in the plan with the same slopes of 7 °. The mark of the clean floor of the room, equal to the absolute mark of +123.35, is taken as the zero mark. Height to the bottom of the coating structures + 4,450 m along the G axis (in the area of service and technical premises), + 5,015 m along the A axis (at the washing stations). The height of the structure's ridge is + 6,535 m. The structure is equipped with an external steel staircase with access to the roof level. The projected collapsible car wash complex should meet the needs of car washing fleet maintenance. On the floor, the main premises of a car wash on 2 lines with a drive-in for cars, a room with the installation of recycling water supply equipment, a room for supplying water and heat, a block of office and utility rooms with changing rooms and showers, bathrooms, a master's room, a rest room for staff, a clothes drying room and cleaning equipment. In the room with the installation of recycling water supply equipment, there is a supply system installed on the mezzanine, access to which is carried out via a vertical metal staircase with a width of at least 0,6 m. Permanent jobs are provided in the amount of 10 people / cm. Structurally, the building is designed according to a frame-and-branch scheme with a steel supporting frame, with a light hinged wall fence, and the foundation is reinforced concrete.
Space-planning solutions
The project documentation complies with the design assignment, the requirements of the current technical regulations, standards, codes of practice and other documents containing the established requirements. Designed collapsible car wash complex for 2 lines, equipped with mechanized washing installations 1126 of the Bezhsky plant: according to the class of functional fire hazard F5.1; degree of fire resistance 111a, fire hazard category D; constructive fire hazard class CO. The projected collapsible car wash complex is a rectangular building with dimensions in the axes 1-9 / A-D 45000x16500mm with a gable roof, roof slopes of different sizes in the plan with the same slopes of 7 °. The zero mark is the mark of the clean floor of the room, equal to the absolute mark: + 123.35. Height to the bottom of the coating structures + 4,450 m along the G axis (in the area of service and technical premises), + 5,015 m along the A axis (at the washing stations). The height of the structure's ridge is + 6,535 m. The structure is equipped with an external steel staircase with access to the roof level. On the floor, the main premises of a car wash on 2 lines with a drive-in for cars, a room with the installation of recycling water supply equipment, a room for supplying water and heat, a block of service and amenity premises with changing rooms and showers, bathrooms, a master's room, a rest room for staff, a room for drying clothes and cleaning equipment. In the room with the installation of recycling water supply equipment, there is a supply system installed on the mezzanine, access to which is carried out via a vertical metal staircase with a width of at least 0,6 m. Permanent jobs are provided in the amount of 8 people / cm. Structurally, the building is designed according to a frame-and-branch scheme with a steel supporting frame, with a light hinged wall fence, and the foundation is reinforced concrete. To ensure the required fire resistance of metal structures, it is necessary to treat the supporting structures of the building with a fire retardant composition. When installing sandwich panels, the joints between the panels and the frame should be carefully sealed. A sealing tape is glued to the surface of the column or crossbar adjacent to the panel. Panel cutting should always take place on the ground where it can be done safely on solid ground. The panel is clad in high quality painted sheet steel, which can be cut most easily with a carbide toothed circular saw.
Facade solutions
External walls - three-layer sandwich panels 100 mm thick filled with insulation based on hydrophobized basalt fiber type TEPLANT PSB 100 / PSB 2-100 with a fire resistance rating of EI-90 (with the required fire resistance rating of E-15 for a building of the III degree of fire resistance) energy efficient, taken from conditions for ensuring thermal protection, according to table 4 of SP 50.13330.2012. In office premises, the outer walls on the inside are additionally insulated with plasterboard partitions with a thickness of at least 50 mm. Filling window openings in the washing rooms and technical rooms - double-glazed windows in PVC binding with a thermal conductivity coefficient of at least 0,4; In office premises - not less than 0,56. HORMANN metal insulated lifting sectional gates with a gate, windows and ventilation grille. Doors external metal, warmed, deaf. Internal doors separating washing posts and service rooms - metal fire doors with fire resistance rating EI30 for filling in a type I fire barrier. Internal in office premises - wooden. The roof is made of three-layer sandwich panels with a thickness of 150 mm filled with insulation based on hydrophobized basalt fiber type TEPLANT PSB 150 with a fire resistance limit of RE-30 (with the required fire resistance limit of RE-15 building of the III degree of fire resistance) energy efficient, taken from the condition of ensuring thermal protection, according to the table 4 SP 50.13330.2012. The facade is made in light colors, with the color of the socle line. The color of window bindings, shaped elements, and external drains is blue.
Interior finish
Finishing is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the section "Requirements for safety, sanitary-hygienic and industrial aesthetics" ON TP-01-91. The materials used in finishing must have certificates of conformity to the following flammability groups: for walls and ceilings - not lower than KMZ (G2, V2, DZ, T2, RP2); for the floor - not lower than KM4 (GZ, V2, DZ, TZ, RP2). Plasterboard walls from the side of the washing posts are lined with ceramic tiles to a height of 1.8m, above - painted with water-based paint, walls and ceilings in amenity premises - painted with water-based paint; in bathrooms, showers and PUIs - to provide for finishing the floor and walls for 1.8m with ceramic tiles, walls above XNUMXm and the ceiling - for painting with water-based paint. The floors in the washing rooms are to be made according to the TREMIX technology with a slope towards the trays, in the office rooms - ceramic granite tiles. Interior finishing of sandwich panels (walls and ceilings) - factory painting of panels.
Technological solutions and processes
The technological process of daily car maintenance is organized on two guard lines. At the first post, the interior and driver's cabin of the car are cleaned using industrial vacuum cleaners, the floor of the car interior is washed and the seats are wet wiped, as well as the wheels and wheel arches, mirrors and light signaling devices. Drying of the car body occurs naturally (drainage of water into the tray). At the second post, the exterior washing of the body and the bottom of the car is carried out using a portal wash of the pass-through type. At the first post, the interior and cab of the bus driver are cleaned using industrial vacuum cleaners, and disinfectants are applied in the bus interior to handrails, windows, doors and seat cushions. At the second post, a more thorough washing of the outer surfaces of the body and the bottom of the bus is carried out than with a daily wash using a self-propelled portal washing installation. In the technological process of washing buses, a circulating water supply system based on ceramic filters was used. Detergents in the process of washing buses are not used. The production program and workforce are determined in accordance with the assignment for the development of the project using the regulatory data specified in the "Norms for the technological design of road transport enterprises", ONTP 01-91. In accordance with the design assignment, the washing department is equipped with modern technological equipment of domestic and foreign production, which has certificates of conformity with the State Standard of the Russian Federation, including: portal washing, high pressure washers, etc. At the entrance and exit of the washing department, the project provides for high-quality industrial overhead sectional doors of the model for outdoor use, providing excellent thermal insulation. Gates are equipped with reliable and durable automation. Robust guides, rollers and seals ensure smooth operation and durability. The gate control system provides a soft, rapid start, optimal acceleration, smooth braking when opening and closing. The gates comply with the safety standards contained in the regulations for the organization of workplaces. In the event of a power outage, the gate can be raised manually. Partial lifting of the web is carried out with the help of compensating springs L. In the office and amenity premises, a set of equipment and furniture is provided for equipping workplaces, meals and recreation for the personnel of the washing department. The project adopted the classical scheme of water purification from rolling stock washing. Water after washing the buses is collected from the floors with a slope of 2% into the drainage trays located along the axis of movement on each production line, from which the water enters the settling tanks of the treatment facilities, where sedimentation and accumulation of the bulk of mechanical impurities and freely floating oil products are carried out. Further, the clarified water is supplied by pumps to the wastewater treatment plant, where, using a filter system, it is finally purified to the required concentrations.