sewer project

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sewer project

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Index: 22.159.234
Data Sheet: Design, working documentation including estimates and results of engineering surveys
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Design, working documentation, including estimates, and the results of engineering surveys for the construction of a microtunnel sewer

Technical and economic characteristics of the capital construction object
Sewer collector, lm: 1126
Estimated cost at the 2001 base price level (without VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 85907,80
Construction and installation works, thousand rubles: 79230,29
Equipment, thousand rubles: 1102,66
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 5574,85
PIR, thousand rubles: 3093,65
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 602,56
Estimated cost at the current price level of April 2011 (including VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 508118,92
Construction and installation works, thousand rubles: 479807,70
Equipment, thousand rubles: 3786,29
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 24524,93
PIR, thousand rubles: 9943,09
VAT, thousand rubles: 77487,64
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 3577,90

Engineering equipment, utility networks, engineering activities

The projected sewer collector is designed to drain wastewater to municipal wastewater treatment plants and is a continuation of the sewer collector in the quarter, the flow from the designed collector will flow into shaft No. /611m. The projected collector runs along the promising roadway of the 2rd Upper Lane. The choice of the collector route was made taking into account promising connections from promising development. The laying of the designed collector Ø1.5 / 1.78m is provided at a depth of 7.0 to 8.4 m. The depth of laying is due to the possibility of joining the existing mine No. 611/2. The collector is provided from reinforced concrete. lined pipes of factory production. The collector provides for the arrangement of mines 8.5x8.5 (No. 611/7, No. 611/8) - 2 pcs, mines 5.8x5.8 (No. 611/6, No. 611/9) - 2 pcs, chambers 3x3 (K-1 , K-2, K-3) - 3 pcs, connection of the collector to the existing chamber No. 611/2. Shafts (No. 611/7, No. 611/8) have a polygonal outline, the size of the monolithic base is 8.5x8.5, the depth is 10.73 m and 8.8, respectively. Technological equipment of mines is made of monolithic reinforced concrete. concrete (B25 W8 F50) and prefabricated reinforced concrete. items. To receive wastewater from the external sewage system, funnels are constructed in mines: in mine No. 611/7 - at el. +21,33, reception Ø1000mm with elev. tray +22,85m; in mine No. 611/7 - at el. +22,23, reception Ø1000mm with elev. tray +22,35m. Technological equipment of mines is made of monolithic reinforced concrete. concrete (B25 W8 F50) and prefabricated reinforced concrete. items. Shafts of square section, shaft dimensions 5.8x5.8 m on a monolithic base, depth of shaft No. 611/6 - 10.7 m, shaft No. 611/9 - 8.48 m. In the banquet of mine No. 611/6, a double-acting knife-type shield gate ZN1500/10 is installed. In the banquet part of mine No. 611/9, a dewatering chamber is being installed. The upper floor (B25 W8 F50) is made with beams 500 mm thick and technological openings for lowering / raising equipment, materials and people. Mine No. 611/2 is existing, the reorganization of the technological equipment of the mine is made of monolithic reinforced concrete. concrete (B25 W8 F50). Mine No. 611/2 provides for the reception of wastewater from the 15th quarter through the connection Ø1800/1600mm from Mine No. 611/6 at elev. +18,51. Chambers K-1, K-2, K-3 are designed to receive wastewater from the territory of prospective development and discharge them into the public sewerage system through mines No. 611/7, No. 611/8, No. 611/9 into the projected tunnel Ø1,5 /1.78m. the size of the chambers is 3x3m (on a monolithic base) H=6,15m. The technological equipment of the chambers is made of monolithic reinforced concrete. concrete (B25 W8 F50) and prefabricated reinforced concrete. elements. To turn off the water flow in the chamber, a double-acting blade-type gate valve ЗН1500/10 is installed. Access of people to the shafts and chambers is provided for by flights of stairs with fencing platforms and handrails. Fences and handrails are made of stainless steel 08X18H10T. Waterproofing of internal concrete surfaces of shafts and chambers is provided by the RCI Kanadicht composition.

Roads and landscaping

Проектная документация по строительству микротоннельного канализационного коллектора. Строительство участка микротоннеля от Шахты № 611/2 предназначено для водоотведения с территории района жилой застройки и является частью Схемы водоотведения района со сбросом стоков в Шахту №335 ТКК района и предусмотрено Проектом планировки и Проектом межевания территории квартала 15 района. Рельеф спокойный с абсолютными отметки поверхности земли - 26,0- 28,5м. Охранная зона канализационного коллектора в городской черте - 20м. В проектной документации предусмотрено: строительство микротоннеля D=1500/1780мм протяженностью - 1126 пм, в том числе – 10м открытым способом; установка стартовых Шахт № 611/7 (8,5*8,5) и № 611/8; установка приемных Шахт № 611/6 (5,8* 5,8) и № 611/9; установка камер (3*3) К-1,2,3, предназначенных для приема сточных вод с поверхности застройки, с установкой затворов. Глубина заложения коллектора - от 7,0-8,4м. После строительства шахт в проектной документации предусмотрено восстановление нарушенного благоустройства. Шахта №611/6. Участок размещения Шахты № 611/6 площадью - 0,1308 га частично расположен на разделительном островке перекрестка проектируемой районной магистрали. Площадь восстановления благоустройства – 1440 м². Конструкция восстановления проезжей части - 167 м²: асфальтобетон крупнозернистый плотный тип Б М1 ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 8см; асфальтобетон крупнозернистый пористый М1 ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 10см; щебеночно-песчаная смесь С4 ГОСТ 25607-2009 - 34см; песок мелкий 1 класса ГОСТ 8736-93* - 71см; георешетка Tensar Tri Aх 170; щебень гранитный М1000 фракции 40-70мм, по методу заклинки ГОСТ 8267-93*-20см. Конструкция проезжей части в месте замены бордюра - 27 м²: асфальтобетон крупнозернистый плотный тип Б М1 ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 8см; асфальтобетон крупнозернистый пористый М1 ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 10см; щебеночно-песчаная смесь С4 ГОСТ 25607-2009 - 10см. Конструкция разделительной полосы в месте бордюрного камня – 55 м²: асфальтобетон песчаный плотный тип Г М II ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 4см; асфальтобетон песчаный высокопористый М II ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 4см; щебень М 600 фракции 40-70 мм ,по методу заклинки ГОСТ 8267-93* - 20см. Конструкция разделительной полосы в месте производства работ – 86 м²: асфальтобетон песчаный плотный тип Г М II ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 4см; асфальтобетон песчаный высокопористый М II ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 4см; щебень М 600 фракции 40-70 мм ,по методу заклинки ГОСТ 8267-93* - 32см; песок ГОСТ 8736-93* - 48см. Площадь озеленения – 303 м². Шахта №611/7. Участок размещения Шахты № 611/7 площадью - 0,25 га расположен в разделительной полосе проезжей части 3-го Верхнего пер. Площадь восстановления благоустройства – 2500 м². Конструкция восстановления проезжей части - 163 м²: асфальтобетон крупнозернистый плотный тип Б М1 ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 8см; асфальтобетон крупнозернистый пористый М1 ГОСТ 9128-2009 - 10см; щебеночно-песчаная смесь С4 ГОСТ 25607-2009 - 34см; песок мелкий 1 класса ГОСТ 8736-93* -71см; георешетка Tensar Tri Aх 170; щебень гранитный М1000 фракции 40-70мм, по методу заклинки ГОСТ 8267-93* - 20см.  The design of the carriageway at the place of replacement of the curb - 155 m²: coarse-grained dense asphalt concrete type B M1 GOST 9128-2009-8cm; coarse-grained porous asphalt concrete M1 GOST 9128-2009 - 10cm; crushed stone-sand mixture C4 GOST 25607-2009 - 10 cm. The design of the dividing strip in the place of the curb stone - 155 m²: dense sandy asphalt concrete type G M II GOST 9128-2009 - 4 cm; highly porous sandy asphalt concrete M II GOST 9128-2009 - 4cm; crushed stone M 600 of fraction 40-70 mm, according to the method of the wedge GOST 8267-93 * -20 cm. Pavement structure at the work site - 45 m²: dense sandy asphalt concrete type Г М II GOST 9128-2009 - 4 cm; highly porous sandy asphalt concrete M II GOST 9128-2009 - 4cm; crushed stone M 600 of fraction 40-70 mm, according to the GOST 8267-93 * -32 cm wedge method; sand GOST 8736-93 * - 48cm. Landscaping area - 220 m². Mine No. 611/8: The site of Mine No. 611/8 with an area of ​​0,35 hectares is located behind the “red lines” of 3rd Verkhny Lane. within the formed land plot of quarter No. 13 of the district. Landscaping restoration area - 4413 m². The design documentation provides for the construction of an operational site with an area of ​​​​351 m² with the construction of an entrance in an asphalt concrete pavement with a width of 6,0 m from the side of 3rd Verkhniy Lane. The design of the asphalt concrete pavement of the operational site: fine-grained dense asphalt concrete type B M1 GOST 9128-2009-5cm; coarse-grained porous asphalt concrete M1 GOST 9128-2009 - 10cm; crushed stone of grade 1000 fraction 40-70mm, with GOST 8267-93*- 22cm; fine sand, class 1 GOST 8736-93 * - 30 cm. Pavement restoration structure with an area of ​​56 m²: dense sandy asphalt concrete type Г М II GOST 9128-2009 - 3,5 cm; highly porous sandy asphalt concrete M II GOST 9128-2009 - 4cm; crushed stone M 800 of fraction 40-70 mm, according to the GOST 8267-93 * - 10 cm wedge method; existing sand base. The construction of the restoration of entrances with an area of ​​16 m²: fine-grained dense asphalt concrete type B M1 GOST 9128-2009- 5cm; coarse-grained porous asphalt concrete M1 GOST 9128-2009 - 7cm; crushed stone of brand 1000 fraction 40-70mm, with GOST 8267-93 * - 10 cm; existing sand base. The layout of the territory is 3990 m². Mine 611/9. The land plot of Shakhta No. 611/9 with an area of ​​0,1137 hectares is located within the "red lines".
