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Power stations and substations
Project of an energy center based on 15 MW gas piston units
SPP project 10 MW
SPP project 5 MW
Substation 330 kVs
Project ADES 4700 kW
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The task of designing energy systems and electrical networks during their development is the development of technically and economically sound design solutions that take into account the latest achievements of science and technology and ensure, in the long or medium term, consumer demand for electricity and power of standard quality, the optimal development of power plants and electrical networks, their means operation and management taking into account environmental and social requirements. Design decisions for the development of energy systems and electrical networks are required to justify the need and feasibility of building and / or reconstructing power plants, power lines and substations and determine their technical characteristics and technological parameters. Projects should be a tool that allows for a comprehensive consideration of a single technological process of production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy, taking into account the reliability of energy supply to consumers and the economic interests of all subjects of the electric power industry. The projects for the development of energy systems and electrical networks include:
- Projects for the development of the IPS, regional energy systems;
- Projects for the development of distribution electrical networks;
- Separate energy sections carried out as part of power plant projects (power distribution schemes) and electric grid facilities, as well as other off-stage work on certain parts of the energy development, for example, projects for the integrated use of rivers, the placement of hydroelectric power plants and pumped storage power plants; determination of sites for large IESs, as well as WPPs, SPPs and other generating facilities operating on renewable energy sources; and projects for reconstruction and technical re-equipment of power plants;
- Projects of schemes for the development of electrical networks of industrial hubs, large cities, schemes for external electrical supply to consumers of large electric power (energy-intensive consumers): chemical and metallurgical plants, electrified railways, oil or gas pipelines, and the like. When developing development projects, it may be necessary to develop development concepts and forecasts (for example, the development of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation), and other work on general and special issues of the country's or regions' energy development that are necessary to solve socio-economic, environmental and other problems. The basis for decision-making on the development of energy systems and electrical networks is the energy strategy of the Russian Federation, which predicts and justifies the possible level of electricity consumption (taking into account possible options for the development of the country's economy) and determines ways to cover it (the structure and location of generating capacities, providing them with fuel - energy resources), as well as the main directions for the development of means of transmission and distribution of electrical energy, the requirements for the necessary scientific and technical developments, etc. The sequence of implementation of projects for the development of energy systems and electrical networks, the content, the duration of the prospective period, are considered during the implementation of projects, as well as the timing of the revision of projects are determined by regulatory documents. Projects for the development of energy systems and power grids must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, other applicable regulatory documents on the technical parameters of systems and networks. During the implementation of long-term development projects, excessive detailing of issues that go beyond the project level should be avoided. At all stages of designing the development of energy systems with appropriate specification, it is necessary to consider the following issues:
- Organization of repair and maintenance of networks;
- Equipping with means of dispatching and technological control;
- Ensuring the sustainability of energy systems;
- Use of means of relay protection and emergency automatics;
- Equipping with automated control systems;
- Equipment for ASUE;
- Ensuring the quality of electricity (reactive power compensation).
Off-stage design work on the organization of dispatch and technological control, regime and emergency automation, relay protection of regional electric power systems is carried out taking into account the accepted conceptual decisions for their development in the IPS development scheme. In projects for the development of energy systems and electrical networks, it is recommended to provide for the introduction of the latest technologies and equipment for their further use, in particular in the development of an intelligent electrical network, in order to improve the reliability and efficiency of energy systems and power supply to consumers. To solve these problems in an intelligent electrical network, it is necessary to use automated systems:
- Accounting for energy resources and consumer information systems;
- Communication and information exchange between objects and subjects of energy systems;
- Monitoring of the state and control of electrical equipment;
- Relay protection and emergency system automation;
- Creation and optimization of channels for technological and emergency control of UES facilities;
- Ensuring the integration of electricity sources using non-traditional and renewable energy sources with the energy system;
- Management of operational - mobile teams.