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Standard project 214-2-42
Technical and economic indicators
Year of construction - 1978
Number of floors - 2
Building area (total, usable) according to internal measurement - 2030,80 m2
Building area - 1202,50 m2
Construction volume - 7791 m3
The degree of fire resistance of buildings - II
Functional fire hazard class: F1.1
Building Responsibility Level – II
Capital group - I
Characteristics of the existing object under repair.
Separate kindergarten building. The relief of the site is flat. The territory is landscaped. The building of the kindergarten is two-story, has a complex shape in plan, with a building area of 1202,50 m2. . Height of 2 floors - 6,50 m. The height of the building to the top of the parapet is 7.35 m. Four dedicated blocks with group blocks have separate entrances. The main entrance to the building is oriented towards the courtyard (at the time of the survey, the entrance vestibule was bricked up and does not function). On the first floor of the building there are two operating groups, a music hall, a gym, a catering unit (kitchen), a laundry room, a doctor's office, an isolation room, administrative premises, an electrical panel room, storerooms, a carpentry workshop, and a service toilet. On the second floor there are four active groups of seven building planning groups. The date of construction of the kindergarten building is 1978 (it has been in operation for 40 years). Construction volume of the building is 7791 m3. The building belongs to the 1st capital group, the 2nd degree of durability. The outer walls of the building are made of solid silicate solid brick masonry, corresponding to GOST 530-95 M 100. The thickness of the external brick walls is 640 mm, the thickness of the bearing internal walls is 250-380 mm. From the outside, the walls are not plastered. Partitions - brick, 120 mm thick. Lintels and girders - prefabricated reinforced concrete, using a metal corner. Ceilings - prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, supported by longitudinal external and internal load-bearing walls. The roof is flat combined, with an internal drain. Roof covering from roofing roll materials. At present, the building is supplied with water: cold water - from the existing water supply inlet from the steel pipe DN100, located in the axes K, 9-11, hot water - from the existing inlet of hot water from steel pipes 2Du50, located in the axes E-Zh, 14. Accounting for the consumption of cold and hot water is not carried out. The existing main pipelines of cold and hot water are laid in the basement of the building and are in poor condition. Sanitary appliances are connected to the water supply with steel pipes. Fire extinguishing of the existing building of the kindergarten is provided from the existing fire hydrants. The water supply system is to be completely replaced in connection with the overhaul of the building and redevelopment. The discharge of sewage from the kindergarten is carried out by a system of internal domestic sewerage by gravity into the existing yard network. The existing sewer outlets and pipelines of the internal sewerage network are made of cast iron pipes. The domestic sewerage system is to be completely replaced in connection with the overhaul of the building and redevelopment. The drainage of rainwater is carried out by the existing network of internal drains through three drain (reception) funnels located on the roof of the building. The risers of internal drains are made of cast-iron pipes, which are located in the strobes of the walls of the stairwells, are in a satisfactory condition and cannot be replaced. The release of internal drains is open on the blind area of the building. The drainage sewage system is subject to reconstruction with the connection of existing risers to the designed drain outlets with a bypass device for winter time to the outlets of the internal household sewerage. Currently, the heat supply of the building is carried out from the existing input of the heating network in the axes D-E, 14, where the existing control unit is located. Accounting for the consumption of thermal energy is not carried out. The existing heating system is two-pipe steel pipes. The main pipelines of the existing building are laid in the basement. Cast iron radiators are installed as heating devices. Pipelines of the heating system and heaters are in poor condition and are subject to complete replacement in connection with the overhaul of the building and redevelopment. The existing mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system of the kindergarten building (the existing catering unit) is inoperative. Ventilation of group and toilet rooms is carried out through existing ventilation ducts and ventilation ducts. The ventilation system of the building is in an unsatisfactory condition and needs to be completely replaced due to the overhaul of the building and redevelopment. Before the implementation of the project for the overhaul of the kindergarten building, according to the terms of reference, a visual inspection of the walls, ceilings on all floors of all premises of the building, flights of stairs, attic, roof and engineering equipment available for inspection was carried out.
The list of required works, in accordance with the survey and the technical specifications of the customer.
Sports hall.
1. Wall plaster repair (up to 50%), wall and ceiling painting.
2. Replacing the flooring.
3. Replacement of all wooden window blocks with PVC.
4. Replacement of door blocks and doors.
5. Repair of plaster, painting of the walls and ceiling of auxiliary premises of the gym.
6. Dismantling the glass partition. Overhaul or replacement of the heating system with the installation of screens on heating devices.
7. Replacing the emergency exit door block.
8. Re-planning or relocation of the premises of the gym (if necessary).
Kitchen (food unit).
1. Re-planning or relocation of the premises of the catering unit (it is possible to build an attached part), with the creation of the required equipment and an additional backup hard supply of hot water to the washing baths.
2. Wall plaster repair (up to 50%), tiling and wall painting.
3. Replacing the tiled flooring in the catering unit and in the vestibule.
4. Repair of the vestibule of the emergency exit from the dining room.
5. Repair of emergency exit porches, with replacement of door blocks.
6. Creation of supply and exhaust ventilation of the kitchen.
7. Replacement of all wooden window blocks with PVC.
8. Replacing the door block entrance to the kitchen.
9. Creation with sanitary equipment of the toilet.
10. Establishment with sanitary shower equipment.
Note: items 2-10 are carried out while maintaining the design of the premises of the catering unit in the same place.
Medical office.
1. Re-planning or relocation of the premises, with its combination with the isolation ward.
I floor.
1. Replacement of the existing floor covering with a tiled one (in the required places) and complete replacement of the linoleum floor covering of the rooms in groups, with repair of the base.
2. Repair of plaster walls (up to 50%) and painting of the walls of corridors, children's groups and offices.
3. Replacement of all wooden window blocks with PVC and replacement of the door to the electrical room.
4. Replacement of door blocks and doors, with window transoms (PVC).
5. Repair and construction of porches with the creation of fences.
6. Replacement of glass partitions with frame ones with GVL.
7. Replacement of door blocks in emergency exits (street), with the creation of openings that comply with fire safety standards.
8. Installation of backup electric storage water heaters with supply to toilets and hot water groups.
9. Performing work to create access for the category of children of MGN to one specialized group with barrier-free movement, with an emergency exit and a toilet.
10. Repair of areas of damage to the protective layer of floor slabs.
11. Creation of warm floors in group rooms of the 1st floor.
II floor
1. Replacement of the existing floor covering with a tiled one (in the required places) and complete replacement of the linoleum floor covering of the rooms in groups, with repair of the base.
2. Repair of plaster walls (up to 50%) and painting of the walls of corridors, children's groups and offices.
3. Replacement of glass partitions with frame ones with GVL.
4. Replacement of all wooden window blocks with PVC.
5. Replacement of door blocks and doors, with window transoms (PVC).
6. Overhaul of existing toilets (repair of plaster, painting of walls and ceiling, replacement of tiles, sanitary fixtures and equipment).
7. Installation of backup electric storage water heaters with supply to toilets and hot water groups.
Flights of stairs I, II floor, emergency exits.
1 Replacement of all wooden window blocks with PVC.
2 Repair of plaster walls (up to 50%) and painting of walls and ceilings.
3 Replacement of door blocks of emergency exits to the street.
4 Replacing the stair railings.
5 Protective treatment of stair stringers with plaster.
6 Replacement of door blocks (corridor-staircase).
1. Complete replacement of the flat roof covering with the repair of an organized drain.
2. Restoration of lightning protection (if necessary).
3. Repair and replacement of external fire escapes of evacuation exits.
4. Overhaul of ventilation shafts.
1. Repair of walls and masonry of the parapet.
2. Installation of visors for emergency exits.
3. Restoration of 100% blind area around the perimeter of the building.
Engineering equipment.
1. Replacing the electrical wiring of the entire building with the creation of a backup supply of hot water in the kitchen and toilets, including group ones.
2. Overhaul (if necessary, replacement) of the heating system with the installation of screens on heating devices.
3. Overhaul (if necessary, replacement) of the water supply system, including hot water supply and fire water supply.
4. Overhaul (if necessary, replacement) of the drainage system.
5. Restoration or replacement of fire alarms.
6. Restoration or replacement of ventilation equipment.