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Model design VI-13
Technical and economic indicators:
Floors, fl.: 2
Wall material: brick
General information.
The project for the overhaul of the premises of the kindergarten building, made according to the standard project VI-13, involves the following repairs: Insulation of the building's facade around the entire perimeter; planning four group rooms (two on the first floor, two on the second), separating the group rooms from each other with a brick wall; planning in four group rooms of toilet rooms, locker rooms, storage rooms for storing folding beds and sleeping bags, places for washing and storing dishes; equipment of storage rooms (in each room - a rack for storing sleeping bags, - a rack for storing folding beds) and separating them from group rooms with brick walls; replacing windows; replacement of floors (linoleum), baseboards; replacement of all doors inside the kindergarten and entrance doors; restoration of the roofs of the verandas, insulation of the ceiling and floor of the verandas, replacement of windows on the verandas, insulation of vestibules; overhaul of existing washrooms and toilet rooms; reconstruction of all staircase exits from the kindergarten premises and stairs to the playgrounds; overhaul of the catering unit and laundry, installation of racks for linen in the ironing room; fire escape replacement.