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School typical project MJ
Technical and economic indicators of the master plan
Plot area, m2: 10990,34
Building area, m2: 1151,4
Building density, %: 9,94
Landscaping area (including grass cover), m2: 4542,23
Hard surface area, m2: 1790,5
including: playgrounds, paths, driveways, m2: 1579,96
blind areas, m2: 148,60
Sandy platforms, m2: 424,78
Architectural solutions
The building is a five-story rectangular volume with a pitched hip roof and a one-story extension with a flat roof, with a basement and an attic. The mark of the existing clean floor of the first floor is taken as 0.000. Dimensions of the building in the axes - 43.75m x 17.57m. The maximum elevation of the building is +24.60m (roof ridge). A basement is designed under the main volume (elev. floor - 2.650m - -3.050m). The height of the above-ground premises is 3,4-3,7 m. The height of the attic is 1,8 m. The project is designed to accommodate 22 classes (528 places): 1-4 classes - 8 classes - 192 places classes -5 places, - 9-10 class - 240 classes - 10 places. In the basement there are: utility rooms, locker rooms, bathrooms, showers, a boiler room, a water meter unit. On the ground floor there are: a gym, a trainer's room, a shell room, a catering facility, a dining room, a dressing room, storerooms, latrines, training workshops, a teacher's locker room, an electrical panel room, medical rooms, washrooms, a rest room, a director's office, a reception room, offices. On the second floor there are: classrooms, an informatics office, offices, a recreational area, bedrooms for children of the 11st grade, a playroom, washrooms, latrines, a utility room for storing cleaning equipment. On the third floor there are: classrooms, offices, a book depository, a reading room, a recreational area, washrooms, a utility room for storing cleaning equipment. On the fourth floor there are: classrooms, offices, a museum, a recreational area, washrooms, latrines, a utility room. On the fifth floor there are: classrooms, laboratories, an assembly hall, a music class. In terms of architectural solutions, the project provides for a partial redevelopment of the premises, in accordance with the current regulatory documents. During the redevelopment, the following works are carried out: In the basement, the following building elements are restored: Walls and columns - dismantling of partitions made of bricks 120 mm thick, plastered on both sides, dismantling of brick walls 1000x400x2100 (^), dismantling of the paint layer in all rooms. in damp and wet rooms - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer for 2 times and finishing with ceramic tiles on glue; in other rooms - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer for 2 times, application of improved wet plaster 20 mm thick, puttying of the wall surface and painting with water-based paint for 2 times. Replacing floors - dismantling of skirting boards, natural stone, linoleum, moisture-resistant plywood, ceramic tiles, parquet boards, moisture-resistant plywood and cement-sand screed; and installation of new floors. Renovation of steps of stairs is provided. Plasterboard partitions are installed in the premises on a metal frame 100 mm thick of the KNAUF complex system of gypsum boards (gypsum boards) and GKLV (moisture resistant gypsum boards), forming new premises. Old plumbing equipment is dismantled and replaced with a new one. Replacement of doors and windows with new wooden and metal ones. New premises are being created in axes 3-5 / V-D - a vestibule with a bathroom (toilet and washbasin) and a shower room for girls (two showers and two washbasins), 1-2 / A-B - two bathrooms and a shower room for boys (two toilets, two toilet bowls, one shower cubicle), 10 -11 / V-G - shower room (one shower cubicle). Explication and list of dismantling and installation works of equipment, walls, floors, ceilings and finishes, see. section AR and CR. On the first floor, the following building elements are being restored: Walls and columns - dismantling of partitions made of bricks 120 mm thick, plastered on both sides, dismantling of brick walls 1000x400 x2100 (^), dismantling of the paint layer in all rooms. in damp and wet rooms - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer for 2 times and finishing with ceramic tiles on glue; in the pantry, unloading, hot shop and washing - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer for 2 times, applying improved wet plaster 20 mm thick, puttying the wall surface and painting with water-based paint for 2 times and finishing with ceramic tiles on glue. in other rooms - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer for 2 times, application of improved wet plaster 20 mm thick, puttying of the wall surface and painting with water-based paint for 2 times. Replacing floors - dismantling of skirting boards, natural stone, linoleum, moisture-resistant plywood, ceramic tiles, parquet boards, moisture-resistant plywood and cement-sand screed; and installation of new floors. Renovation of steps of stairs is provided. Plasterboard partitions are installed in the premises on a metal frame 100 mm thick of the KNAUF complex system of gypsum boards (gypsum boards) and GKLV (moisture resistant gypsum boards), forming new premises. Old plumbing equipment is dismantled and replaced with a new one. Stairs are arranged at emergency and technological exits from the building. New premises are being created in axes 1-3 / E-K - an unloading room with a corridor, a hot shop, a pantry and a washing room; 3-4/G-D and 9-10/G-D - extended bathrooms (one toilet bowl and washbasin each in room 14), 4-6/A-B - teacher's locker room; (2/1-7) / I-K - ramp device for MGN; 7-10 / V-I - a room for storing tools, an electrical room, a procedural room (one washbasin), a restroom (shower, toilet, washbasin), a room for preparing solutions, a medical room, a restroom (one toilet) and a washroom (one special washbasin) for disabled people; 10-11/Ж-К - an entrance separated by a fire barrier was added, 11-12/А-К - lavatory premises (one shower room, one toilet bowl and one washbasin), a rest room, a director's office, a reception room, and two offices were added. On the floor landings, transparent partitions are added. Explication and list of dismantling and installation works of equipment, walls, floors, ceilings and finishes, see. section AR and CR. On the second, third, fourth floors, the following building elements are being restored: walls and columns - dismantling of partitions made of brick 120 mm thick, plastered on both sides, dismantling of brick walls 1000x400x2100 (^), dismantling of the paint layer in all rooms; in damp and wet rooms - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer for 2 times and finishing with ceramic tiles on glue; in other rooms - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer for 2 times, application of improved wet plaster 20 mm thick, puttying of the wall surface and painting with water-based paint for 2 times. Replacing floors - dismantling of skirting boards, natural stone, linoleum, moisture-resistant plywood, ceramic tiles, parquet boards, moisture-resistant plywood and cement-sand screed; and installation of new floors. Renovation of steps of stairs is provided. Plasterboard partitions are installed in the premises on a metal frame 100 mm thick of the KNAUF complex system of gypsum boards (gypsum boards) and GKLV (moisture resistant gypsum boards), forming new premises. Old plumbing equipment is dismantled and replaced with a new one. Stairs are arranged at emergency and technological exits from the building. Explication and list of dismantling and installation works of walls, floors, ceilings and finishes, see section AR and CR. New premises are being created: on the second floor - in axes 9-10 / G-F - a lavatory (three toilet bowls), a washroom (three washbasins), an utility room (one shower cabin and one washbasin) and in axes 2-3 / A-B - expansion of the laboratory room (one washbasin in the laboratory and one washbasin in the office), washbasins are also installed in rooms 1, 2, 13, 14, 21, 20; on the third - the expansion of the restroom (two toilet bowls), washrooms (5 washbasins) for the pupils of the restroom (room 8 - washbasin and shower cubicle), lavatory (room 13 - three toilet bowls), washbasins (room 14 - three washbasins), teachers' restroom (room 16 - one toilet bowl), teachers' wash basin (room 15 - one washbasin), as well as washbasins are added to pom. 1, 10, 11, 12, 20, 19; on the fourth - a restroom (room 8 - five washbasins, 2 toilet bowls), a lavatory with a room for personal hygiene (room 16 - three toilet bowls, one washbasin), lavatory (room 9 - one toilet bowl and one washroom), washroom (room 17 - 3 washbasins, one shower cubicle); washbasins are also added to rooms 1, 2, 6, 12, 14, 15, 22, 21; creation of museum premises in axes 4-7/G-I. On the floor landings, transparent partitions are added. On the fifth floor, the following building elements are being restored: walls and columns - dismantling of partitions made of bricks 120 mm thick, plastered on both sides, dismantling of brick walls 1000x400 x2100 (^), dismantling of the paint layer in all rooms. In damp and wet rooms - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer for 2 times and finishing with ceramic tiles on glue; in the classroom of physics, chemistry, biology and the classroom for girls - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer (or equivalent) for 2 times, applying improved wet plaster 20 mm thick, puttying the surface of the walls and painting with water-based paint for 2 times and finishing with ceramic tiles on glue. In the rest of the premises - impregnation with "Universal B1" primer (or equivalent) for 2 times, applying improved wet plaster 20 mm thick, puttying the wall surface and painting with water-based paint for 2 times. floor replacement - dismantling of skirting boards, natural stone, linoleum, moisture-resistant plywood, ceramic tiles, parquet boards, moisture-resistant plywood and cement-sand screed; and installation of new floors. Renovation of steps of stairs is provided. Plasterboard partitions are installed in the premises on a metal frame 100 mm thick of the KNAUF complex system of gypsum boards (gypsum boards) and GKLV (moisture resistant gypsum boards), forming new premises. Old plumbing equipment is dismantled and replaced with a new one. Stairs are arranged at emergency and technological exits from the building. Explication and list of dismantling and installation works of walls, floors, ceilings and finishes, see section AR and CR. New premises are being created in axes 3-4 / G-I - a vestibule and a psychologist's office (one washbasin); in axes 9-10 / G-I - a vestibule and a speech therapist's office (one washbasin); washbasins are also installed in rooms 1, 2, 5 (three washbasins), 6, 11, 12 (three washbasins), 18, 20; in axes (19/7-1)/B-I restore the scene.