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Cinema standard project (V.M. Fromzel, O.I. Guryev)

Technical and economic characteristics of the capital construction object
Plot area within the land allotment, ha: 0,4607
Building area, m2: 1147,70
Total building area, m2: 5457,00
Construction volume of the building, m3: 25775,00
Floors, floor: 5
Architectural and space-planning solutions
The existing building of the Yunost cinema was built in 1957-1960 according to a standard project (architects V.M. Fromzel, O.I. Guryev). During operation, the building was re-planned with the installation of new load-bearing structures: walls, pillars, ceilings, stairs. The building is currently not in use. The building is two-five-storeyed, rectangular in plan with protruding volumes of staircases on the northern facade. The overall dimensions of the building in terms of ~ 44.5x24,5 m. The foyer is located on the first floor, the viewing room occupies most of the upper volume, the end part is divided into five levels, in which auxiliary rooms are located. The maximum building height is 19,2 m. Basements are located under the entire building. The project documentation for the reconstruction of the building provides for: dismantling of two porches on the north side and one on the south side; installation of two pits from the ends of the building: dismantling of the existing coating (roof) and installation of a new one at a higher height than the existing one; dismantling of part of the existing walls and partitions, and installation of new ones in accordance with planning decisions; on the main facade (from the side of the street) - the device of the portal with a colonnade against the background of stained glass windows; from the ends of the building - the device of portals from pylons, ending with columns; superstructure of the fifth floor in the form of a single entablature; attic extension; dismantling of the parapet around the perimeter; laying window and door openings and punching new ones. The planning structure divides the building into two parts on all floors, the first southern part from the side of the street is given to cinema visitors, and the second, northern part is given to the cafe premises. Loading of goods and garbage removal is carried out from the north side, entrances for visitors - from the south side of the building. The reconstructed building is 5-storey with dimensions in the extreme axes of 23,3 x 42,62 m. The maximum height of the building from the planning ground level to the top of the roof parapet is 22,82 m. For the relative mark of 0,000, the floor level of the entrance zone of the 1st floor was taken, which corresponds to the absolute mark of 4.42. In the basement-basement at elevations -2,250, -2,050, -1,940, -1,820 are designed: a billiard room, technical and utility rooms, sanitary facilities. The maximum height of the main rooms of the floor in cleanliness (from floor to ceiling) is 2,7 m. The maximum floor height in cleanliness is 3,28 m. On the 2nd floor at elevations +4,480, +5,080 are designed: a cinema foyer with utility rooms and cafe rooms. The maximum height of the premises in cleanliness is 3,28 m. On the 3rd floor at elevations +9,520, +8,680 are designed: a cinema hall for 110 seats, a foyer with utility rooms and a cafeteria for 12 seats with associated rooms. The maximum height of the premises in cleanliness is 3,5 m. On the 4th floor at elevations +13,870, +13,030 are designed: a cinema hall for 110 seats, a foyer with utility rooms, storerooms of a cafe. The maximum height of the premises in cleanliness is 3,5 m. On the 5th floor at the level of +17,380 are designed: a cafe for 164 seats with accompanying premises, bathrooms. The cleanliness of the premises is 3,3 m. A ventilation chamber is designed in the attic at elevation +20,680. Clear height - 2,64 m. The surface is flat, with an organized internal drain. Roof - exploited from paving slabs. Internal walls and partitions - brick 510, 380, 250, 120 mm thick, aerated concrete 200 mm thick and plasterboard 150 mm thick. Interior decoration corresponds to the functional purpose of the premises. Exterior finish - porcelain stoneware. Filling of window openings - window blocks made of PVC-profile with double-glazed windows. Lantern glazing - triplex, bearing base - metal frames. For communication between the floors, 4 L1-type stairs with direct access to the outside and a passenger elevator with a carrying capacity are provided. 400 kg.
Structural and space-planning solutions
The technical survey of the existing 2 storey building with a basement and an attic has been completed. The existing building was built in 5-1957 according to a standard project. The structural scheme of the building at the level of the basement and the first floor is a frame-wall system, above the first floor is a wall system. External and internal walls - load-bearing brick walls made of ceramic hollow bricks on cement-lime mortar. The thickness of the outer walls at the level of the basement and the first floor is 77 cm, above the first floor and attic - 64 cm. The thickness of the inner walls is 38,51 cm. The outer walls are lined with ceramic slabs, part of the slab is embedded into the walls and the façade vertical joints are bandaged. The piers of the outer walls are reinforced with wire mesh. In the sections of the opening of the walls, reinforcement of each horizontal row of masonry was revealed. According to the results of the survey and verification calculations, the category of the technical condition of the walls and horizontal waterproofing of the walls is operational, the design resistance of the brickwork to compression is 18 kg / cm 2; the bearing capacity of the walls is sufficient to absorb operational loads. The category of the technical condition of the wall cladding is emergency. Lintels - prefabricated reinforced concrete and steel from rolled profiles. According to the results of the survey, the category of the technical condition of the jumpers is operational. The supporting structures of the basement frame and the first floor are brick pillars made of bricks on a cement-lime mortar. The section of the pillars is 64 x 64 cm, some of the pillars are reinforced with steel clips from rolled profiles. During operation, the height of six pillars was increased by 3,8 m. The masonry of the built-on pillars is made of silicate and hollow bricks. The cross section of the pillars is 51x51 cm. According to the results of the survey and verification calculations, the category of the technical condition of the pillars is operational, the design resistance of the masonry to compression is 18 kg/cm2 and the built-on pillars are 15 kg/cm2; the bearing capacity of the pillars is sufficient to absorb the operational load. Ceilings above the basement and first floor - precast concrete hollow and flat slabs, monolithic sections resting on walls, precast concrete beams and brick pillars. The cross section of the beams is 22x55 (h) cm, 29x55 (h) cm, 66x65 (h) cm. According to the results of the survey and verification calculations, the category of the technical condition of the floors (slabs and beams) is operational, the concrete class of the beams is B 20, the allowable design load on the floor is 700 kg/m2. Ceilings over the 2nd, 3rd, 4th floors - prefabricated reinforced concrete hollow and flat small-sized (BPR) slabs, based on walls and steel beams from rolled profiles. According to the results of surveys, the category of the technical condition of the floors is operational. The ceiling above the observation hall is prefabricated reinforced concrete ribbed slabs resting on the lower belt of roof trusses and on the walls. According to the results of the survey, the category of the technical condition of the plates is operational. Covering - prefabricated reinforced concrete ribbed slabs along the upper belt of roof trusses and a monolithic reinforced concrete flat slab along the walls. The load-bearing structures of the coating are steel double-slope trusses, with a span of 23,5 m, with a triangular lattice, racks made of rolled profiles. According to the results of the survey, the category of the technical condition of the coating is operational. Stairs - prefabricated reinforced concrete steps, monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs of landings. According to the results of the survey, the category of the technical condition of the stairs is operational. Canopies over the entrances - monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete. According to the results of the survey, the category of the technical condition of the visors is operational. The porch is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab on prefabricated concrete foundation blocks. According to the results of the survey, the category of the technical condition of the porch is partially functional. The foundations of the walls are strip foundations of precast concrete blocks and prefabricated reinforced concrete foundation slabs on a natural foundation. The foundations of brick pillars are monolithic reinforced concrete free-standing columnar foundations on a natural foundation. According to the results of the completed pits No. 1-No. 8 and the examination of the foundations, the depth of the foundations from the planning level of the earth is 2,3 m to 2,5 m, the width of the strip foundations is 1.6 m, 2,0 m, 2,8 m. According to the results of dynamic sounding of the foundation soils, at the base of the foundations sands are silty, of medium density with characteristics e = 0,7, E = 150 kg/cm2. According to the results of the survey and verification calculations, the category of the technical condition of the foundations is operational. According to the results of the survey, verification calculations and in accordance with TSN 50-302-2004, Appendix "B", the category of the technical condition of the building is the second (2). The project documentation provides for the reconstruction of an existing building with the installation of a steel frame and ceilings with the dismantling of: coatings, floor sections, partitions, the built-on part of brick pillars, sections of external and internal stairs. The project documentation provides for: punching new openings in the walls and partial filling of existing openings, installing steel lintels from rolled profiles, reinforcing brick pillars with steel clips from rolled profiles, strengthening foundations; implementation: new ceilings, coatings, lintels, stairs, basement waterproofing. Reconstructed building of a normal level of responsibility. The spatial rigidity and stability of the building is ensured by the joint work of the vertical load-bearing elements of the building with hard disks of floors, vertical connections of columns. Based on the results of verification calculations, the bearing capacity of existing walls and ceilings is sufficient to absorb design loads, structures do not require reinforcement; the bearing capacity of foundations for walls along the "I" and "G" axes, brick pillars and foundations for pillars is insufficient to absorb design loads and require reinforcement. New structures are designed: External and internal load-bearing walls (laid openings) - brick with a thickness of 380, 510 mm made of bricks of the brand KORP 1NF /150/2,0/50/ GOST 530-2007 and KORPu 1NF / 150 / 1,4 / 50 / on mortar M 100. The existing walls of the building are insulated from the outside with mineral wool boards 50 mm thick with fixing to the walls of the ventilation facade system. Partitions - plasterboard with fixing to a steel frame, aerated concrete 200 mm thick from aerated concrete blocks D 600, B 2,0, F25, brick 120 mm thick, 250 mm thick. Ceilings and roofing - monolithic reinforced concrete ribbed slab 150 mm high, made in fixed formwork from profiled steel sheet H 75-750-0,9 on steel beams. The documentation provides for anchoring the slab to steel beams. The material of the monolithic slab is concrete of class B 25, reinforcement of class A 400, Vr-I. Floor beams and coatings - steel from rolled profiles, with a section of I-beams No. 30Sh2, No. 40 Sh2, No. 45 Sh1. The fastening of the beams is provided to the monolithic reinforced concrete pillows and the belt. Columns - steel from rolled profiles. The main step of the columns is 3,2x6,4 m, 6,4x6,4 m. Cross-section of I-beam columns No. 35 K 2. Stairs - prefabricated reinforced concrete steps along steel stringers and monolithic slabs of landings along steel beams. The material of monolithic structures is concrete of class B 25, reinforcement of class A III, Vr-1. The material of steel structures is steel C 245, C 255 GOST 27772-88. Elevator shaft - monolithic reinforced concrete with a thickness of 160 mm from concrete of class B 25, class A 240, A 400 reinforcement. The foundation of the elevator shaft is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab 400 mm thick on a natural base. The material of the slab is concrete of class B 20, reinforcement of class A240, A 400. Based on the results of verification calculations of existing foundations and geotechnical justification, the project documentation provides for strengthening the soil base under the foundations of pillars and walls along the “I” and “G” axes. The design characteristics of the reinforced soil base (c=0,81 kg/cm2, internal friction angle 37,2 degrees, E=329 kg/cm2) must be confirmed by laboratory tests.