Roof boiler project

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Roof boiler project 540 kW

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Price $615.00
Index: 67.190.251
Data Sheet: Project documentation without estimates and results of engineering surveys
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Rooftop boiler. Design documentation for the construction of a rooftop boiler house.
Technical and economic indicators
Boiler room category in terms of heat supply reliability: second
Category of the boiler room for explosion and fire hazard: "G"
Location: Rooftop
Boiler room area, m2: 18
Volume of the boiler room, m3: 54
Installed power, kW (Mkal/h): 540 (464)
Connected load, kW (Mkal/h): 447(384)
Heat carrier: Water with temperature:
boiler circuit, heating and ventilation network circuits: 80-60°С;
DHW network circuit: 60°С.
Type of fuel: Gas with a lower calorific value of 8000 kcal/m''
Basic equipment
Wall-mounted water-heating boilers manufactured by Tjeptyupa (Czech Republic) 2 boilers of the THERM DUO 50T type with a power of 45 kW,
5 boilers type THERM TRIO 901 with a power of 90 kW.
Natural gas consumption:
Maximum hourly, m3/hour: 62,4
Annual consumption of natural gas, million m3/year: 0,159
Service personnel: None
Type of automation: Full

Characteristics of architectural and construction solutions of the boiler house

The roof boiler house is located at the level of +11,350 in the axes "2-3", "B-D" of the building of the youth leisure center. The designed boiler house is a room with dimensions 6x3m, height XNUMXm. An exit to the outside is provided from the boiler room, the door leaf is metal insulated. Enclosing structures of the boiler room: fireproof and vapor-gas-tight walls with a fire resistance limit of 0,75 hours; according to the degree of fire resistance II; the area of ​​easily dropped structures is 1,62 m2. Window openings are used as easy-to-reset structures. Weld the base of the boiler house to the foundation embeds at two points. The climatological data of the construction area for calculating the typical operating modes of the boiler house are taken in accordance with SNiP 23-01-99 "Construction climatology and geophysics". When calculating annual heat and fuel consumption, the time fund for heating and ventilation load is taken according to the duration of the heating period, i.e. 5280 hours, for the hot water system - all year round. It is customary to install automated water-heating wall-mounted boilers from Thermona (Czech Republic) in the boiler room: 2 boilers type THERM DUO 50T with a power of 45 kW; 5 boilers type THERM TRIO 90T with a power of 90 kW; having certificates of conformity and permission of Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation for use. The boilers are equipped with built-in gas continuously adjustable burners with forced removal of flue gases. All auxiliary equipment is located in the boiler room. Hot water and expansion tanks are installed on the floor, and the rest of the equipment is located along the walls of the room and directly on the pipelines. The heat supply system is closed, three-circuit, six-pipe. The following are accepted as coolants: hot water of the heating system with a temperature of 80 - 60 ° C; hot water for the ventilation and heating system of the DHW system with constant temperature parameters of 80-60°C. Hot water with a temperature of 60 ° C is supplied to the DHW system, with its circulation by a circulation pump. The regulation of the water temperature in the supply pipeline of the DHW system is carried out by switching three-way valves, pos. 9 fig. 011-11-TM, installed on the supply pipelines of boilers pos. K1.4, K1.5. Hot water boilers operate in smooth cascade control mode. The set temperature is maintained automatically. Circulation pumps are installed to circulate water in heating and ventilation systems. Estimated water consumption and pipeline diameters of heating, ventilation and hot water systems are determined in accordance with applicable standards based on the initial data provided by the Customer. The initial filling of the heat supply system is carried out with chemically purified water - from a tank, its periodic replenishment is provided directly from the water supply, using a reagent injection unit to prevent scale formation and remove dissolved oxygen. To drain the system, drains are provided at the lowest points of the system and on the collectors. To remove air from the system, automatic air vents are provided.
