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Industrial and warehouse complex
Technical and economic indicators:
Plot area: 13,67 ha
Building area: 1,4 ha
Building volume: 163000 m3
Car parks: 200 m2
Parking lots for trucks (waiting for loading): 810 m2
General information.
The building of the production and warehouse complex is frame. The construction material is reinforced concrete columns, reinforced concrete floor slabs with a span of 24 meters of the NTT type with enclosing reinforced concrete panels of the "sandwich panel" type. The coating is a “soft” roof made of non-combustible material. Building dimensions: Number of floors - 1. The building has two spans. The first span is 30x198 m. The second span is 24x198 m. The height of the premises (to the bottom of the structures): H = 10 m (from the floor to the bottom of the roof beam). H = 7,46 m console for a crane beam. The buildings are provided with an open type fire escape (because the building is higher than 10 m). The main structural elements: foundations - reinforced concrete detached on a natural base, reinforced concrete columns of factory production; prefabricated concrete flooring. Reinforced concrete wall panels - "sandwich". Roofing - soft roofing. The floor is concrete.