Building renovation projects

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Reconstruction of buildings

Administrative and office center project

Index: 51.183.201
Data Sheet:
Project documentation without estimates and results of engineering surveys
all sections
Data volume:
2171 MB
File Format:
editable formats
Expert opinion:
a positive
Basic price with VAT:
Discount price:
Price: $2,050.00
A discount:

Office Center

Index: 3.120.269
Data Sheet:
Project documentation without estimates and results of engineering surveys
all sections
Data volume:
975 MB
File Format:
editable formats
Expert opinion:
a positive
Basic price with VAT:
Discount price:
Price: $2,030.00
A discount:

Administrative building project

Index: 91.131.256
Data Sheet:
Project documentation without estimates and results of engineering surveys
all sections
Data volume:
1952 MB
File Format:
editable formats
Expert opinion:
a positive
Basic price with VAT:
Discount price:
Price: $2,000.00
A discount:

Wastewater Treatment Plant Project (WWTP)

Index: 52.170.284
Data Sheet:
Design, working documentation including estimates and results of engineering surveys
all sections
Data volume:
1397 MB
File Format:
editable formats
Basic price with VAT:
Discount price:
Price: $1,540.00
A discount:

Standard project 2LG-06-01. Cinema renovation project

Index: 53.184.266
Data Sheet:
Design, working documentation including estimates and results of engineering surveys
all sections
Data volume:
617 MB
File Format:
editable formats
Expert opinion:
a positive
Basic price with VAT:
Discount price:
Price: $1,480.00
A discount:
Page 1 from 8

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In this section, we publish projects for the reconstruction of various buildings and structures. Projects for the reconstruction of schools, apartment buildings, and many others were presented. This section contains projects for the reconstruction of industrial and civil buildings and structures without demolition of the latter.

Reconstruction - restructuring of existing industrial and civil facilities, associated with the improvement of production, increasing its technical and economic level and product quality, improving operating and living conditions, the quality of services, changing technical and economic indicators (number of products, power, functional purpose, geometric dimensions) . Reconstruction of buildings - carrying out construction work in order to change the existing technical and economic indicators of the object and increase the efficiency of its use, providing for: reorganization of the object, changing the geometric dimensions and technical indicators, capital construction, extensions, superstructures, dismantling and strengthening of supporting structures, attic, construction and reconstruction of engineering systems and communications, etc. Reconstruction of buildings is a complex and time-consuming process. Especially when it comes to a monument of architecture or historical buildings. In this case, the age of the structure can be several centuries, and the task assigned to the designer becomes tenfold more complicated. After all, he needs not only to improve the performance of the building, to create conditions for its effective use, but also to restore its former appearance, to preserve the spirit of the era. During the reconstruction of industrial facilities, more productive highly mechanized and automated technological processes are introduced, more rational use of production areas is achieved, and the efficiency of capital investment is increased. The reconstruction of existing enterprises includes the reorganization of existing workshops and facilities of the main, auxiliary and service purposes, as a rule, without expanding the existing buildings and structures of the main purpose. During the reconstruction of existing enterprises, it is possible to expand individual buildings and structures in cases where new high-performance and more advanced equipment in terms of technical indicators cannot be placed in existing buildings; build new and expand existing workshops and other facilities of the complex in order to eliminate imbalances; build new buildings and structures of the same purpose to replace those being liquidated on the territory of the operating enterprise, the further operation of which, due to technical and economic conditions, is recognized as inexpedient. Reconstruction differs significantly from new construction and has its own characteristics in the design, development of the construction process, the specifics of construction and installation works, which is associated with the diversity of design and space-planning solutions, the tightness of the construction site, the need for phased work in different areas, a combination of production activities of the enterprise with the performance of construction and installation works, dismantling in some cases of old structures or their parts, etc. The degree of renewal of fixed assets is usually characterized by the scale of reconstruction work. On this basis, the reconstruction is divided into radical and small. Fundamental reconstruction is a complete re-equipment and reorganization of all production facilities of the enterprise with dismantling, installation and replacement of process equipment, restructuring or expansion of existing and construction of new production and auxiliary workshops (instead of those being demolished). Fundamental reconstruction, as a rule, is carried out according to a single project and estimate. Minor reconstruction differs from the main one in the scope of work and is associated with the re-equipment and restructuring of individual production facilities of the enterprise. Reconstruction of this type is carried out according to separate technical (technical) projects and estimates for them. The nature of reconstruction, modernization, restructuring of the existing residential and public development is influenced by the following main factors: the characteristics of the city itself; place of development in the planning structure of the city; the quality of the neighborhood, quarter, buildings. In addition, at present, there is a need for the reconstruction of buildings and a new building, including prefabricated ones, erected several decades ago, although their service life in terms of durability is expected to be 100-125 years. The fact is that the main reason for the reconstruction of such houses is their obsolescence, since they were built according to the first projects (with reduced sizes of kitchens, baths, front rooms, with an entrance to the kitchen from the living room, with a combined bathroom and toilet). During the reconstruction, a significant amount is occupied by work related to the dismantling and destruction of structures of buildings and structures. They are very labor intensive and largely determine the timing of the reconstruction. Dismantling is the dismemberment of buildings, structures or their structures into parts, the removal of these parts and the clearing of the construction site. Dismantling of building structures is impossible without destroying the material of structures or docking joints. In this regard, disassembly can be: with partial destruction of structures, for example, dismantling of a ceiling made of monolithic reinforced concrete; with complete destruction, for example, dismantling the foundation for equipment. Destruction is the grinding, cutting or melting of material structures.
