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church project
Plot area - 0,16 ha
Building area - 602,3 m2
Asphalt surface area - 127 m2
Tiled area - 545, 7 m2
Landscaping area - 325 m2 (20%)
Structural volume of the building - 12 980 m3
The height of the building is 38 m.
Architectural and space-planning solutions
The space-planning decision of the building of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is made in the traditions of temple construction. The building is two-story, with a basement, with a domed covering of the main volume and the altar part, with a bell tower at the entrance. The capacity of the church is 350 people at a time. The designed building of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord is complex in plan, with dimensions in the extreme axes of 23,03 x 24,70 m and a maximum height from the planning mark of the ground to the lower mark of the cross of the main dome - 40,4 m. For the relative mark of 0,000, the level of the finished floor of the 1st floor was taken, which corresponds to the absolute mark of 15.15. The main approach and entrance to the building is designed from the side of the street. A pedestrian passage is provided around the building for the organization of the procession. In the basement at level - 3,600, the following are planned: a hall, a cloakroom, a sacristy, a refectory with a kitchen and related premises, sanitary facilities (bathrooms, a shower room, a staff room, a cleaning equipment room, a waste collection chamber), as well as engineering and technical premises (thermal unit, ventilation chamber, water meter unit, fire pump station). There are two emergency exits from the basement floor directly to the outside. On the 1st floor at around 0,000, the following are designed: a vestibule, halls, a security post, a lower baptismal church for 57 people, a solea, an altar, a church hall, a church council hall, an office of the rector with a reception room, a library, an office, a cloakroom, an alarm post, bathrooms (including number for the disabled). On the 2nd floor at the level of +4,500 are projected: the upper temple, the bypass gallery, the candle kiosk, the chanting rooms, the sacristy, the priests' rest room, the service room; at the level of + 5,100 - salt, altar, stamp; at the level of +4,050 - service premises. Choirs have been designed at elevation +9,750. A bypass gallery has been designed at elevation +14,400. The domes are covered with monolithic reinforced concrete with insulation with an external drain. The roof is made of sheet metal. The covering is pitched, along metal rafters with an organized external drain. The roof is made of sheet metal. From the first and second floors there are two evacuation exits directly to the outside and to L1 type stairs. There is one exit from the choirs to the staircase L1. The exits from the stairwells L1 are provided directly to the outside. An elevator with a carrying capacity of 1000 kg was designed for communication between floors. Finishing of external walls - brick cladding with subsequent painting. Details of the facade design are made of artificial stone. The plinth is made of natural stone. Partitions - brick 120 mm thick. Windows - metal-plastic filled with single-chamber double-glazed windows. For a comfortable stay of people with limited mobility and people with disabilities (MGN), the project documentation provides for the following activities. An elevator was designed to lift wheelchair users. There is a separate bathroom for the disabled. A ramp for wheelchair users has been designed at the main entrance to the building. There is 1 parking space for MGN in the open parking Fire-safe zones for MGN are designed on all floors.
Structural and space-planning solutions
Building responsibility level – II (normal). The church building was designed according to a combined design scheme. The basement floor was designed according to an incomplete frame scheme with external load-bearing walls, above - according to the frame-wall. Material of load-bearing underground structures - monolithic reinforced concrete, concrete class B25, F150, W8; ground - concrete class B25, F75; fittings of classes AIII, AI. The outer walls of the basement floor are three-layer, made of two layers of reinforced concrete 250 mm thick and a layer of foam insulation with a thickness 140 mm. The internal load-bearing walls of the building are monolithic reinforced concrete, 150, 250 and 400 mm thick. The frame columns are designed with a square section of 250 x 400 mm, 400 x 400 mm and a complex section of 400 x 1000 ÷ 1700 mm. The pitch of the columns is irregular, 2,31 ÷ 5,06 m. Overlappings - beamless 200 mm thick. Partial provision is made for the installation of 450 mm high T-section strapping beams with ceilings 150 mm thick. The main dome in the central part of the building is a shell of double positive curvature made of monolithic reinforced concrete with a thickness of 60÷150 mm, reinforcement - with double reinforcement class AI, concreting - by shotcrete. The support ring rests on a system of beams in the form of a regular octahedron, which, in turn, rests on 8 columns of complex section. The bulbs of the two domes are designed according to the frame scheme of rolled steel profiles coated with sheet materials. The outer walls of the building are non-bearing, cut by floors, supported by floors, made of effective brick M125, F50, 640 mm thick. Anchoring of external walls to the supporting frame is provided. The design of the stairs is monolithic reinforced concrete platforms and prefabricated reinforced concrete marches, partly from prefabricated steps along steel stringers. The elevator shaft is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. The spatial rigidity and stability of the building is ensured by the joint work of stiffening diaphragms, ceilings and columns connected by rigid nodes with ceilings and foundations. The calculation of the building together with the base was performed using the SCAD software package version 11.1. The required fire resistance of reinforced concrete load-bearing structures is confirmed by calculations. On the development spot there are piles 6 m long, made for another previously designed building. Existing piles do not take part in the work of the pile foundation being arranged and are subject to cutting down to the level of plus 10,30. The foundations are assumed to be piled with a monolithic slab grillage 450 mm high. Under the grillage, concrete preparation is provided from concrete of class B12,5. Piles - prefabricated reinforced concrete, section 30 x 30 cm, length 16m. The connection of piles with grillage is rigid. Material of piles and grillage - concrete B25, F150, W8, class AIII reinforcement. The design load on the pile is 75 tf, based on the results of static sounding. The allowable design load on the pile will be verified by static pile testing prior to mass driving. The relative mark of 0,000 corresponds to the absolute mark of 15.15. In accordance with the report on engineering and geological surveys, the lower ends of the piles are immersed in the EGE 9 soil, light loam (IL = -0,13; e = 0,548; E = 240 kg / cm2), bluish-gray with gravel, pebbles, with fragments sandstone, hard. The expected draft of the building is 3,0 cm. The maximum position of the groundwater level is at a depth of 1,0 m from the earth's surface. The design documentation provides for pasting waterproofing of the basement floor, the use of low-permeability concrete. At a distance of about 2,5 m in the zone of influence of the construction, there is a building of a temporary church. The building was inspected and assigned to the II category of technical condition. The building of the temporary church is made on a strip foundation, the material of the walls is a wooden frame. To minimize the impact from construction, a sheet pile dividing wall and pile driving by indentation are provided. The organization of monitoring of the existing building of the temporary church is envisaged. After the construction is completed, the temporary church is to be dismantled.