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RVS 1000 m3 (diesel fuel)
The project provides for the installation of two RVS-1000 tanks with a volume of 1000 m3 each for storing diesel fuel in accordance with GOST R 52368-2005 "Euro Diesel Fuel".
General information.
The design documentation provides for the placement of two storage tanks for diesel fuel with a volume of 1000 m3. The scope of design work includes: construction of two foundations for storage tanks for diesel fuel; construction of two foundations for shaft stairs; construction of a foundation for a receiving tank; construction of racks of diesel fuel pipelines; construction of racks of fire extinguishing and cooling pipelines; dike device to limit the area of oil spill around the tank farm; arrangement of the tank farm site; the device of transitional bridges through the embankment; arrangement of service platforms for storage tanks for diesel fuel; arrangement of a platform with shelter for maintenance of stop valves; installation of a shut-off valve well; installation. searchlight mast PMZH-19.3. The foundation for the tank, round in plan, is designed as a monolithic reinforced concrete spatial structure, consisting of upper and lower load-bearing slabs with a diameter of 11,5 m and a thickness of 500 mm, interconnected by a system of monolithic reinforced concrete columns of square section. Foundation height - 4800 mm. The elevation of the bottom of the bottom slab of the foundation corresponds to the absolute mark of 13,70. The foundation for the shaft ladder, round in plan, is designed in the form of upper and lower load-bearing slabs with a diameter of 3 m and a thickness of 500 mm, interconnected by a system of monolithic reinforced concrete columns of square section. Foundation height - 4800 mm. The elevation of the bottom of the bottom slab of the foundation corresponds to the absolute mark of 13,70. The embankment of the tank farm is designed in the form of an earth bank with a width of 0,5 m at the top, a height of 1,6 - 1,85 m with a coating 150 mm thick, made of reinforced concrete slabs according to series 3.503.9-78. The embankment top elevation corresponds to the absolute elevation of 17,60. The tank farm site is designed in the form of a coating of a layer of fine-grained asphalt concrete 40 mm thick and a layer of coarse-grained asphalt concrete 60 mm thick, prepared from a layer of sand 150 mm thick and a layer of crushed stone 150 mm thick. The surface of the site is made with a slope, the elevation of the site is variable and corresponds to the absolute mark from 16,00 to 15,75 . The rack structures for diesel fuel pipelines, fire extinguishing and cooling are designed in the form of supports made of metal racks and support traverses installed on monolithic reinforced concrete foundations on a natural base. The elevation of the base of the overpass foundations is variable. Service platforms for diesel fuel storage tanks are designed in the form of metal stairs and platforms with fencing, made on brackets installed on the foundation structures of diesel fuel storage tanks. The elevation of the sites corresponds to the absolute mark of 18,50 and 19,15. The foundation for the receiving tank is designed in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, with plan dimensions of 9,7 x 3,5 m and a thickness of 400 mm, made on a natural base. The elevation of the bottom of the foundation slab corresponds to the absolute mark of 11,71. A platform with a shelter for servicing stop valves with dimensions in terms of 1,5 x 4,3 m, a height of 2,35 m is designed in the form of a metal platform with a fence, over which a protective canopy is made, a technological overpass installed on the traverse structure and monolithic reinforced concrete foundations. The site elevation corresponds to the absolute mark of 18,50 and 19,15. The shut-off valve well is designed in the form of a round well with a diameter of 1400 mm, a depth of 1800 mm, made on a natural base prepared from crushed stone. The walls of the well are a pipe with a diameter of 1420 mm, with a wall thickness of 10 mm in accordance with GOST 8696-74. The well cover is made of 6 mm thick sheet steel, the bottom of the well is made of 12 mm thick sheet steel. The mark of the well cover corresponds to the absolute mark of 16,35.