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RVS-400 (DT)
Technical and economic indicators.
Tank volume, m3: 400
Filling height, m: 7,2
Building area, ha: 0,0093
The building is round in plan, with an attached shaft ladder.
The outer diameter of the tank in plan is 8,7 m.
The height of the structure is 9,79 m from the level mark to the top of the fences.
Tank inner diameter - 8,53 m
Filling height - 7,2 m.
RVS-400 - IV hazard class (clause 4.3.1 GOST 31385-2008)
Constructive decisions.
The object is located in the I building-climatic region, subdistrict - 1G. Wind load (III region) - 0,38 kPa. Estimated snow load (V region) - 3,2 kPa. The estimated winter temperature of the outside air during the coldest five-day period is minus 39°C. The design of the RVS-400 steel tank is a cylindrical tank installed on the foundation. The bottom of the tank is flat and is delivered rolled up. The tank wall is supplied in the form of a panel rolled up together with the bottom panel. The roof of the tank is a conical frame, made in the form of panels, consisting of interconnected elements of the frame and flooring, with a slope of 1:10, supplied in a pack. Tank structures are made of rolled metal sheet according to GOST 19903-74. Rolled products are made of steel C 345 according to GOST 27772-88*. The tank has a roof to prevent the evaporation of flammable oil products and, accordingly, the ingress of harmful substances into the surrounding air. To service the tank, the project provides for a shaft ladder and service platforms on the roof. All prefabricated building products and materials must have certificates of conformity, incl. sanitary and hygienic and fire safety. All elements of the structure manufactured at the construction site must be inspected as part of the designer's supervision. Grades of materials must correspond to the design ones. In the case of replacing materials with analogues, their technical characteristics should not impair the strength and performance characteristics. The foundation design is a solid foundation slab 200 mm thick, round in plan. The elevation of the bottom of the solid foundation slab is -0,220 (7.080). The monolithic slab is designed from VZO R200 concrete. Under the foundation slab, a concrete preparation device made of class B7,5 concrete is provided. To provide a protective layer of the lower reinforcement of the slabs, use mortar, concrete or plastic retainers with a small contact surface. To protect the foundation slab from ground moisture, the project provides for glued waterproofing, which is carried out under the foundation slab. Along the perimeter of the slab, a blind area of B15 concrete is provided for a length of 700 mm. Slab concreting in winter conditions should be carried out with the full range of measures provided for in SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and enclosing structures". The thermal protection of the structure is not carried out in accordance with the terms of reference. Waterproofing of foundations is provided from one layer of waterproofing by melting. The protection of structures of the underground part of the structure from the aggressive effects of groundwater is provided by the accepted concrete grade not lower than \C4, the frost resistance grade is not lower than E200. All steel structures are provided with anti-corrosion treatment. The outer surfaces of the tank, stairs and platforms are painted with UR-01 primer in one layer, then with UR-11 enamel in two layers. The inner surfaces of the tank are coated with BEP-0261 primer in one layer, then with BEP-610 enamel in two layers.
Technological solutions.
The RVS-400 tank is equipped with: manhole DN - 600; stripping pipe (DN 100); nozzles for receiving and discharging diesel fuel (DU - 100) and valves installed on it (DU - 100, Ru 16 MPa)); skylights (DU - 600); safety valves (KPG-100); non-freezing breathing valve with a fire fuse (NDKM-100); measuring nozzles (DN 100) - RVS No. 1, measuring system "String" - RVS No. 2. Level control in the tank is carried out on the basis of quantitative accounting of the accepted product. The tank has separate nozzles designed for the release and reception of the product. A fuel meter is installed on the suction line of the pipeline from the loading and unloading area. Based on the results of hydraulic calculations, the project adopted the diameter of the diesel fuel pipeline Du = 108 mm. taking into account the specified performance of pumping equipment, fuel viscosity, as well as the maximum safe speed of diesel fuel pumping. The pumping equipment is located in the UTB container-type block-box (transportable block device). For pumping diesel fuel, two pumps are provided that work alternately: standby and working. Operation of pumping equipment in the following modes: Injection of diesel fuel into the tanks of the fuel and lubricants warehouse from a tank truck; Injection of diesel fuel from storage tanks into an intermediate tank to feed the DGU; Intra-park transfer. The diesel fuel pumping capacity of 50 m3/h is provided by the KM 80-65-160 E-b pump. The laying of the pipeline for supplying diesel fuel from the pumping station to the storage tank (supply tank) was adopted by the project without changes. In the container-type block-box there is a pump for pumping engine oil. The technological pipeline for pumping diesel fuel is provided by the project in an above-ground version on movable supports. Estimated allowable span to avoid pipeline deflection is 5 m. A two-wire scheme of pipelines for pumping diesel fuel (receiving and distributing) is provided, connected to the tank branch pipe. The pipelines are equipped with shut-off valves with a manual drive, designed for emergency shutdown of each individual unit: The project provides for the installation of control and measuring equipment on the tank cover - the measuring system "Struna", the control and indication unit is connected in the operator's room to the power supply network. Data transmission to the control unit from sensors installed on the PPP system - via a cable communication line between the primary parameter converter (PPP) and the distribution device (UR) is made with a cable of the MKESh-5x0,35 mm2 brand and laid in a metal pipe (along the walls and roof of the tank ) and HDPE / LDPE pipe (for laying in the ground). The Struna+ measuring system belongs to the third category of power receivers in terms of power supply reliability.