Estimate for the reconstruction of the kindergarten

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Estimate for the reconstruction of the preschool educational institution

Base price with VAT
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Price $12.00
Price $12.00
Index: 9.119.219
Data Sheet: Estimated documentation
Sections: all sections
Data volume: 69 MB
File Format: *.doc, *.xls
Expert opinion: a positive
Estimate for the reconstruction of the kindergarten. Object: Reconstruction with the expansion of the State preschool educational institution

Technical and economic characteristics of the capital construction object
Land area, ha: 0,2710
Building area, m2: 1072,6
Construction volume, m3: 14393,3
Total building area, m2: 3543,0
Floors, fl.: 3

Cost indicators
Estimated cost at the 2001 base price level (without VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 58
Construction and installation works, thousand rubles: 50
Equipment, thousand rubles: 4
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 3
PIR, thousand rubles: 0,00
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 104,87
Estimated cost at the current price level for June 2013 (including VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 361
Construction and installation works, thousand rubles: 321
Equipment, thousand rubles: 19
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 20
PIR, thousand rubles: 0,00
VAT, thousand rubles: 55
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 661,10

Information about the standards used, as well as the applied indices for transferring the estimated cost from the base price level to the current level

The estimated cost of construction is determined by the base-index method. Local estimates are made in the base prices of 2001 according to the collections TER-2001 St. Petersburg, TERm-2001 St. Petersburg of the Gosetalon 12 estimate and regulatory framework. The cost of materials, products and structures is accepted according to the collection of average estimated prices for basic materials, products and structures used in construction (TSSC) and price lists agreed by the customer. The recalculation of the estimated cost from the base to the current price level for June 2013 was carried out taking into account the indices of changes in the estimated cost by type of construction and installation work, adopted on the basis of a letter from the customer. Costs for temporary buildings and structures are taken in accordance with GSN81-05-01-2001. Additional costs for the performance of work in winter are taken in accordance with GSN81-05-02-2007. The estimated profit is determined by type of work from the payroll fund in accordance with MDS81-25.2001. When determining overhead costs and estimated profit, reduction factors were applied to the standards for overhead costs and estimated profit in accordance with the procedure for applying the standards for overhead costs and estimated profit in construction from 01.01.2011/06.12.2010/41099 (Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development dated 08 No. 17.03.2011-KK / 6056, dated 08 .XNUMX No. XNUMX-IP/XNUMX). The costs for temporary buildings and structures are accepted in accordance with the GSN 81-05-01-2001, clause 4.2 in the amount of 1,8% with a coefficient K = 0,8. Additional costs for the performance of work in the winter are taken in accordance with the GSN 81-05-02-2007, clause 11.4 in the amount of 1,5%.

Information about operational changes made to the estimate documentation in the process of checking the estimated cost

Summary estimates are presented in the base and current price levels of June 2013 in accordance with Supplement No. 1 to the design task. The cost of materials, products and structures is taken into account in the current price level according to the territorial collection of estimated prices and the current price level according to price lists agreed by the customerCommissioning costs are determined in accordance with clause 4.102, MDS81-35.2004 according to a letter from the customer. Costs for design and survey work based on a letter from the customer are excluded. The scope of work is determined according to the project documentation and working documentation based on the customer's letter. In accordance with clause 4.1. MDS81-35.2004, the estimate documentation is supplemented by statements of volumes of construction and installation works, drawn up in the prescribed manner and agreed by the Customer.
