Estimates : Estimate for the reconstruction of CL 6-110 kV

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Estimate for the reconstruction of cable lines 6-110 kV

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Price $12.00
Price $12.00
Index: 87.115.257
Data Sheet: Estimated documentation
Sections: all sections
Data volume: 70 MB
File Format: *.doc, *.xlsx
Expert opinion: a positive
Estimate for the reconstruction of cable lines 6-110 kV. Object: Reconstruction of cable lines 6-110 kV in the part of cable lines 110 kV "K-117", "K-118".

Cost indicators
Estimated cost at the 2001 base price level (without VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 118548,121
Construction and installation works, thousand rubles: 83175,135
Equipment, thousand rubles: 19882,101
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 15490,885
PIR, thousand rubles: 5428,530
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 359,331
Estimated cost at the current price level for the quarter 2013 (including VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 683679,377
Construction and installation works, thousand rubles: 503492,368
Equipment, thousand rubles: 94692,372
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 85494,637
PIR, thousand rubles: 25515,040
VAT, thousand rubles: 104223,279
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 2175,174

Information about the standards used, as well as the applied indices for transferring the estimated cost from the base price level to the current level

Estimated documentation was compiled by the basic-index method in accordance with the current legislation on the basis of methodological and regulatory documents provided for by the estimated and regulatory base for pricing in construction in 2001 using territorial unit prices (TER-2001SPb, TERm-2001SPb) of the estimated and regulatory base "Gosetalon 2012" at current prices as of Q3 2013; recalculation to the current price level was carried out by CMP-5,13 indices; Other works - 5,84; Equipment 3.94 according to the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development dated July 29.07.2013, 13478 No. 10-SD / 2001. When determining the estimated cost according to TER-2001 and TERm-81, overhead costs and estimated profit in local estimates are determined from the payroll by type of work in accordance with MDS 33.2004-81, MDS 25.2001-3757, taking into account letter No. 08-KK / 21.02.2011 of the Ministry of Regional Development dated February 17.03.2011, 6056 and clarifications in accordance with the letter dated March 08, XNUMX No. XNUMX-IP / XNUMX. Commissioning works are taken into account on the basis of a letter from the customer No. DSO/04-14/3450 dated 30.12.2013/XNUMX/XNUMX.

Information about operational changes made to the estimate documentation in the process of checking the estimated cost

Substantiating documents included in the cost estimate documentation are presented: price lists agreed by the customer, commercial offers agreed by the customer, in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 4.25, 4.28 of MDS 81-35.2004. Local estimates missing in the submitted estimate documentation for the sections of the project were taken into account: communications and telemechanics, electrical solutions at the substation. The cost of temporary road signs has been reduced, the installation of road signs, pillars and foundations has been taken into account at a large stage with further rearrangement. Local estimates have been corrected: The volumes for the disposal and neutralization of soil and construction waste have been brought into line with the project. The replacement of unit prices for the types of work provided for by the project; the scope of work is accepted in accordance with the presented sections of the project; the cost of materials provided for in the installation prices is excluded. The cost of R&D has been adjusted: Re-consideration of estimates for design and survey work is not required based on a letter from the Customer.
