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Central heating project 3,350 MW

Design, working documentation, including estimates, and the results of engineering surveys for the construction and reconstruction of thermal power facilities. Construction of a central heating point and heating networks.
Technical and economic characteristics of the capital construction object
Land area, ha: 0,0223
Building area, m2: 53,5
Total building area, m2: 49,43
Construction volume of the building, m3: 142,35
Number of floors, floor: 1
The length of engineering networks, including: lm: 1160,0
Heating networks, lm: 1029,0
Water disposal networks, lm: 38,0
Power supply networks, lm: 93,0
Estimated cost in the basic price level of 2001 (excluding VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 8
Construction and installation works: thousand rubles: 4
Equipment, thousand rubles: 835,34
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 2
including: design and survey work, thousand rubles: 892,37
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 64,27
Estimated cost in the current price level for January 2012. (VAT included)
Total: thousand rubles: 40
Construction and installation works: thousand rubles: 23
Equipment, thousand rubles: 3
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 14
including: design and survey work, thousand rubles: 4
VAT, thousand rubles: 6
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 350,98
In addition, at the expense of network owners, thousand rubles: 9,03
Architectural and space-planning solutions
The project documentation provides for the construction of a central heating unit (CHP) designed 3-module automated. The premises of the boiler room and diesel generator room are designed in the central heating building. The building is attached to an existing building. The CTP building is designed L-shaped in plan with overall dimensions along the outer contour of 9,1x7,2 m, with a height of 3,42 m to the cornice from the mark of the adjacent territory. The foundation of the building is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab with pits 2,0 m deep for the input of networks. External enclosing structures - three-layer "sandwich" panels, prefabricated with a polymer coating. Floors - aluminum sheet. Covering - heat-insulated slabs on corrugated board with a rolled waterproofing carpet (polymer membrane). Drainage from the roof - external unorganized. The technological process eliminates the need for the presence of service personnel. To enter the building, metal insulated doors are provided separately to each room.
Structural and space-planning solutions
Building responsibility level – II. The construction system of the building is steel structures, the structural system is a full frame, the structural scheme is a frame frame. The frame columns are designed according to a grid of 3,5x5,0 m. Sections of the main supporting structures of the frame are adopted: columns - square welded pipes according to GOST 30245-2003 from S255 steel; the main roof beams are rectangular welded pipes in accordance with GOST 30245-2003 from C255 steel. The coating is designed from profiled flooring in accordance with GOST 24045-86, which is fixed in each corrugation, forming a hard disk of the coating. Spatial invariability of the frame is ensured by the joint work of the longitudinal and transverse frames, the system of vertical ties and the hard disk of the cover. Hinged wall panels of the "sandwich" type with a thickness of 100 mm are used as external enclosing walls. The calculation of the main load-bearing structures of the frames was carried out using the SCAD software package version R11.3. The displacements and deflections obtained as a result of the spatial calculation of the building frame do not exceed the allowable values. The average pressure on the foundation soil is 1,35 kg/cm2. The design soil resistance of the base is 2,62 kg/cm2. The expected draft is 1,05 mm. The expected settlements of buildings and structures do not exceed the allowable ones. The foundation is an unburied monolithic reinforced concrete slab 300 mm thick made of concrete of class B25, W6, F100. The foundation slab is arranged according to concrete preparation with a thickness of 100 mm from lean concrete of class B7.5. A cushion of coarse sand is placed under the slab. For the installation of a monolithic foundation slab, the existing strip foundation of the dismantled boiler house is disassembled by sparing methods to a depth of 0,65 m from the earth's surface. In accordance with the report on engineering and geological surveys, the base of the sand and gravel pad is the EGE-2 layer - silty sands, dense with plant residues - has the following characteristics: ρн=2,07 t/m3; e=0,550; =340; Сn=0,06 kg/cm2; E=280 kg/cm2. The relative mark of 0,000 corresponds to the absolute mark of +4.35. The maximum level of groundwater during periods of snowmelt and heavy rains should be expected at a depth of 0,5 m from the earth's surface at absolute levels of +3.50 - +4.30. Groundwater is slightly aggressive to concrete of normal permeability.