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Standard project 214-2-22
Technical and economic indicators of the object
Built-up area of the building, m2: 1296,78
Construction volume, m3: 8742
Total building area (without technical underground), including, m2: 2004,65
- first floor, m2: 996,35
- second floor, m2: 1008,30
Technical underground area, m2: 107,93
Floors of the building, floors: 2
Building height, m: 11,71
Number of groups: 11
Capacity, children, people: 204
Service staff, people: 41
General information (AS).
The project provides for a major overhaul with redevelopment of the premises of the kindergarten building, made according to the standard project 214-2-22. Planning solutions are developed in accordance with the requirements of the current norms and rules, as well as in accordance with the wishes of the Customer. For a conditional mark of ±0,000, the floor mark of the first floor of the rank is taken, corresponding to the absolute mark of 137,65 m. The degree of fire resistance of the building is II. Climatic sub-area of construction adopted 1B. The calculated value of the weight of the snow cover for the V snow region is 3,2 kPa (according to SP 20.13330.2011). The normative value of wind pressure for the I wind region is 0,23 kPa (according to SP 20.13330.2011). The air temperature of the coldest five-day period with a probability of 0,98 - minus 38 ° C (according to SNiP 23-01-99 *). Brick partitions - made of ceramic brick 1NF / 150 / 2.0 / 50G0ST 530-2007 according to the cement-sand mortar M100 in accordance with GOST 28013-98. The thickness of the partitions is 120 mm. Reinforcement of partitions should be carried out through 6 rows of masonry in accordance with GOST 6727-80 with obligatory fastening to existing walls. Partitions made of gypsum boards 100 mm thick according to TU 5742-001-56798576-2004, fire resistance limit E1 160. The walls are insulated with mineral wool boards TECHNOFAS TU 5762-043-17925162-2006 80 mm thick. Warming of the heartwood floor was made with ECPO-LIGHT 50 TU5762-010-08621635-2006 basalt slabs with a total thickness of 130 mm. The material of wooden structures is pine or spruce with a moisture content of not more than 25%. The quality of wood must comply with GOST 8486-86. All wooden elements are subject to antiseptic and coloring with a moisture-resistant flame retardant composition. Use "Pirilox-3000" TU 2499-027-24505934-05 as a fire and bioprotective material. The material of metal structures is so C245 according to GOST 27772-88. Fittings in accordance with GOST 5781-82. Marco steel fittings A-111 - 25G2S. Welded fittings according to GOST 14098-91. Joints of metal structures should be made on the fold. Factory welding semi-automatic in a cut of carbon dioxide (GOST 8050-85), welding wire S6-08G2S according to GOST 2246-70*. Mounting assembly - manual arc. Electrode type 346A according to GOST 9467-75*. Welded connections should be made in accordance with GOST 5264-80.