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MTK trade building project
Technical and economic characteristics of the capital construction object
Plot area within the land allotment, ha: 10,90
Building area, including: m2: 5467,00
Total area of the building, including m2: 10532,80
Construction volume of the building, m3: 47222,20
Floors, fl.: 2
Architectural and space-planning solutions
The designed building of the multifunctional shopping complex (stage 5) is a two-story building consisting of two sections connected by a passage gallery at the 2nd floor level. The dimensions of the building in the extreme axes are 192,0 x 27,0 m, the maximum height from the ground level to the top of the protruding structures is 11,9 m. The level of the finished floor of the first floor, corresponding to the absolute mark 0,000, is taken as a relative mark of 10.20. On the 1st floor at around 0,000, the following are designed: premises for the main purpose - trading floors with dedicated sections for single trading places; administrative and amenity premises - a dining room for employees of the complex with related auxiliary premises; auxiliary and service premises - personnel dressing room, bathrooms, showers, pantries for cleaning equipment, a pantry for storing fluorescent lamps; engineering and technical premises - a heating point with a water metering unit, a fire extinguishing pumping system. Floor height in cleanliness (from floor to ceiling) - 3,0 m. administrative and amenity premises - offices, staff premises, recreation room, dining rooms, dressing rooms, archive, cash block, bathrooms, showers, storerooms for cleaning equipment; engineering and technical premises - switchboard, server room. The height of the floor in cleanliness is 2 m. For connection between the floors, 4,050 L3,0 type stairs, 8 type 1 internal stairs and 2 escalators are designed. Designed on the roof: 2 ventilation chambers, boiler rooms, chiller room, light-aeration lamps. Covering - flat, with an internal drain. Roofing - rolled with a protective layer of stone chips. Exit to the roof - directly from the volume of staircases. Metal ladders are provided for elevation changes. Exterior walls - hinged steel three-layer sandwich panels of prefabricated production with façade cassette cladding and stained-glass windows made of aluminum structures. Basement - cladding with ceramic granite tiles. Partitions - sandwich panels, glazed stained glass structures, bricks, aerated concrete blocks, gypsum plasterboard on a metal frame. Windows - metal-plastic double-glazed windows with single-chamber filling. The design documentation provides for measures to ensure the accessibility of buildings and structures for people with disabilities and people with limited mobility (LGM). At the main entrances to the building, ramps for wheelchair users are designed with a slope of 2%, equipped with handrails on both sides. Above the entrances - canopies with drainage systems. A universal sanitary cabin has been designed.
Structural and space-planning solutions
The building of the multifunctional shopping complex of the 5th stage of construction is a 2-storey, normal level of responsibility, separated by a temperature expansion joint and designed according to a frame structural scheme. The spatial rigidity and stability of the building is ensured by the joint work of the vertical load-bearing elements of the building with floor and roof hard disks, vertical column braces, horizontal roof braces and stiffness cores formed by the walls of the stairwells. The calculation of the building was made using the SCAD software package. Version 11.3 and programs Arbat, Crystal Exterior walls - hinged steel three-layer sandwich panels 150 mm thick, prefabricated with facade cassettes and stained-glass windows. The panels are fixed to the steel fachwerk. Socle - monolithic reinforced concrete made of concrete class B 25, W 6, F150, reinforcement class A 240, A 400 C. The walls of the stairwells are brick 380 mm thick from solid bricks of the brand KORPO 1NF / 200 / 2,0 / 25 / GOST 530- 2007 on mortar M150 with a height of 800 mm from the level of the foundation slab, above - from hollow bricks of the brand KORPu 1NF / 200 / 1,2/25 / GOST 530-2007 on mortar M 150. Partitions - steel sandwich panels 50 mm thick, plasterboard thick 100 mm and glazed stained-glass windows made of aluminum structures with partitions fixed to a steel frame. Ceilings - precast reinforced concrete hollow prestressed with a thickness of 220 mm produced by CJSC PO "Barrikada" on steel beams, monolithic reinforced concrete belts of stairwell walls and monolithic sections. The design documentation provides for the anchoring of the plates to steel beams and stairwell walls. Floor and roof beams - steel from rolled profiles. Cross section of I-beams No. 40K4, No. 40K1, No. 35K1, No. 35Sh2, No. 40B1, No. 35B1. Columns - steel from square and rectangular pipes. The main step of the columns is 6x9 m, 7,5x9 m. Section of columns made of pipes 300x12 mm, 350x300x12 mm, 250x7 mm. The design documentation provides for the columns to be filled to the full height with concrete grade B 12,5. Fachwerk for fixing wall panels, stained-glass windows and connections - steel from pipes of square and rectangular profiles. Stairs - prefabricated reinforced concrete and monolithic marches, monolithic slabs of landings along steel stringers and beams. Covering - profiled steel sheet H75-750-0,9 with fixing to the covering beams. A monolithic reinforced concrete slab with a thickness of 180 mm on a steel profiled sheet is provided at the place where the roof boiler is installed. Cover plate material - concrete class B25, W6, F150, reinforcement class A400C. The material of steel structures is steel C 235, C 255 GOST 27772-88. The foundations were designed based on the results of engineering and geological surveys carried out at the construction site. The foundation structure is a monolithic reinforced concrete slab 200 mm thick with thickenings for columns and walls up to 600 mm. Along the perimeter of the foundation slab, beams with a section of 1000x600 (h) mm and insulation with Penoplex plates are provided. Under the foundations, concrete preparation with a thickness of 80 mm is provided for crushed stone preparation with a thickness of 300 mm and sand bedding from medium-grained sand to bulk soils. At the base of the sand bedding there are bulk soils with characteristics e= 0,818, IL=0,34, E=115 kg/cm2. The characteristics of bulk soils are determined based on the results of static tests with a stamp. The design soil resistance of the base is -3,0 kg/cm2, the average pressure on the base is 0,5 kg/cm2. The material of monolithic structures is concrete of class B 25, W6, F 150, reinforcement of class A 400C. The expected settlement of the building is 5,0 cm. The additional settlement of the existing buildings (building 1a and building 1b) built in 2011 and located at a distance of 10 m from the construction site will be up to 2 cm. The project documentation provides for monitoring the condition of structures and precipitation existing buildings. The maximum level of groundwater at absolute levels is +0 m +5,3 m. Groundwater is slightly aggressive with respect to concrete of normal permeability. The design documentation provides for anti-corrosion protection of underground structures: the use of low-permeability concrete, pasting and coating waterproofing. The relative elevation of 7,0 corresponds to the absolute elevation of + 0,000, 10 m. Gas roof boiler. The location of the roof boiler house is provided on a monolithic reinforced concrete slab covering the shopping complex. The spatial rigidity and stability of the boiler room is ensured by the joint work of vertical load-bearing elements with the hard disk of the cover, vertical braces of the racks and horizontal braces of the cover. The boiler house is designed according to the frame structural scheme of steel structures. Walls - hinged steel three-layer sandwich panels 200 mm thick with fastening to the frame. Racks, connections and spacers - steel from closed welded square pipes with a section of 80x80x80 mm. Covering - steel three-layer sandwich panels with a thickness of 5 mm, fixed to the covering beams. Floor and roof beams - steel system (main and secondary beams) of rolled profiles. A steel sheet 4 mm thick is provided along the floor beams. The material of steel structures is steel C 245 GOST27772-88. Two chimneys with a diameter of 350/250 mm and a height of 5,0 m are designed from stainless steel.
Engineering equipment, utility networks, engineering activities
Engineering equipment, IT networks. The power supply of power receivers of the business club of all categories in terms of power supply reliability in normal mode, according to the specifications, is provided from the public networks of the centralized power supply system through five cable entries, from a single-transformer transformer substation with a capacity of 1600 kVA, in emergency mode - from an autonomous uninterruptible power supply, but only electrical receivers of security systems (the first category in terms of power supply reliability). The total rated power of the electrical installation is 1323 kVA, including the rated power of electrical receivers of security systems 92,5 kVA. Grounding system for open conductive parts TN-S (separate, PE conductor of the cable, the corresponding electrical receiver). Schematic and design solutions of the electrical installation being designed ensure the electrical safety of non-categorized and operational personnel (solid insulation, shutdown of non-stationary processes, lack of contact voltage, etc.), the grounding and potential equalization systems are designed in accordance with the standards. Water supply and sewerage of consumers of objects are provided in accordance with the conditions of connection. Water supply (cold water) to consumers of the facility is provided through two water supply inlets with a diameter of 110 mm from the projected ring on-site water supply network with a diameter of 160 mm, with connection to the existing on-site ring water supply network with a diameter of 160 mm. The existing buildings 1a and 1b are switched to the projected on-site ring network. For laying water inlets, polyethylene pipes were selected according to GOST 18599-2001. For the organization of technical (non-commercial) water metering for household and drinking needs, a water meter is provided on the cold water pipeline after loopback of the inputs. Commercial water metering is provided at the existing water metering unit (sheets 74,75 TsIRV 02A.00.00.00) for the entire complex, located in a separate building. The existing water meter is designed to pass the additional water flow of the 5th stage of construction. The guaranteed pressure at the point of connection to the public water supply network with a diameter of 300 mm from the side of the street is 28 meters of water column. Consumption of cold water, taking into account the preparation of hot - 18,42 m3 / day, including: 8,63 m3 / day for household and drinking needs of engineers and workers, 3,60 m3 / day for the needs of the canteen, 3,62 m3 /day for household and drinking needs of a department store, 0,44 m3/day for watering the territory, 2,13 m3/day for feeding the rooftop boiler house. Periodic needs: 0,1 m3/day for cleaning the boiler house (1 time per month), 15,0 m3/day for filling the boiler circuit of the boiler house and heating network (1 time per year). A separate plumbing system has been designed for the hull. Household and drinking water supply - dead-end, with bottom filling. The fire water supply system is combined with the AUPT system. The required pressure for the drinking water supply system is 26,39 meters of water column. The required pressure for the fire water supply system is 49,78 meters of water column. To create the necessary pressure in the fire water supply system, a booster pumping unit is provided (supply 16,8 l / s, pressure 42,0 meters of water column, 1 working, 1 reserve). Water consumption for the needs of internal fire fighting - 2x2,6 l / s. The total number of fire hydrants with a diameter of 50 mm is more than 12 pcs. Sprinkler fire extinguishing is provided with a flow rate of 11,6 l / s. For the device of the drinking water supply system, galvanized steel water and gas pipes according to GOST 3262-75 and polypropylene pipes were selected. Electric-welded steel pipes according to GOST 10704-91 were selected for the installation of a fire-fighting water supply system. For irrigation of the territory, along the perimeter of the building, watering taps with a diameter of 25 mm are installed. External fire extinguishing is provided from the projected fire hydrants on the projected on-site water supply network. Water consumption for external fire extinguishing - 15 l / s. Hot water preparation - in the boiler room. The DHW system is a closed water intake, independent of the heating network, with circulation through the main. The required pressure in the DHW system is 20 meters of water column. The estimated consumption of hot water is 6,69 m3/day, including: 1,58 m3/day for a department store, 1,2 m3/day for a canteen, 3,91 m3/day for the needs of engineers and workers. The temperature of hot water at the consumer is 65°C. For the installation of hot water supply systems, galvanized steel water and gas pipes according to GOST 3262-75 and polypropylene pipes were selected. Disposal of household wastewater in the amount of 15,85 m3/day, rainwater runoff from the roof and adjacent territory with a flow rate of 67 l/s, as well as periodic wastewater from the boiler house and heating network - 15,0 m3/day (once a year ), from cleaning the boiler house - 1 m0,1 / day (3 time per month) provided for the designed discharges into the projected on-site combined sewerage network, with the discharge of wastewater into the communal combined sewerage network with a diameter of 1 mm along the street. The existing buildings 1a and 1b are switched to the projected on-site sewerage network, with a wastewater flow rate of 4,91 m3/day. Polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 200-400 mm were selected for laying the on-site sewer network. At the outlet to the municipal sewerage system, a well with slide valves is provided. The following systems were designed for the facility: household sewerage of the building, household sewerage of the dining room, industrial sewerage from the dining room, internal drains, industrial sewerage from the boiler house, industrial sewerage from fan coil units, ventilation chambers, water metering unit, pumping station. PVC pipes were chosen for the installation of the domestic sewerage system. Low-pressure polyethylene and PVC pipes were chosen for the installation of the internal drainage system. For the installation of industrial sewage systems, PVC and polyethylene pressure pipes, as well as cast-iron sewer pipes (sewerage from the roof boiler house) were selected. Ladders are provided to remove accidental drains from the premises of the water metering unit, pumping room, veneers. For the heat supply of the shopping pavilion of the multifunctional shopping complex, an automated, gas, rooftop boiler house was designed. According to the degree of explosion and fire hazard and fire resistance, the boiler room belongs to the category "G" and "II". The installed capacity of the boiler house is 1.2 MW. Windows with single glazing are provided as easy-to-reset structures at the rate of 0,03 m2 per 1 m3 of the volume of the boiler room. Heat consumers belong to the second category in terms of heat supply reliability. Two boilers Logano SK645 with a capacity of 600 kW each with gas burners GZ4.1N-4106, manufactured by BBT, Germany, are installed in the boiler room. Estimated heat output of the boiler house, taking into account losses in the networks and auxiliary needs of the boiler house - 1,064 MW, including: for heating - 299 kW; ventilation - 347 kW; thermal curtains - 348 kW; hot water supply (average) - 45 kW; for losses in heat networks and own needs of the boiler house - 25 kW. The main type of fuel is natural gas QpН = 33520 kJ/m3 (8000 kcal/m3). The operating mode of the boiler house is year-round. The scheme for connecting heat networks intended for transporting heat carriers to heat supply systems is independent through heat exchangers. It is planned to control the temperature of the coolant depending on the outside air temperature. Regulation of the boilers and maintaining the necessary parameters of the coolant is provided by the automation of the boiler room. The operation of the boiler room is in automatic mode, without the constant presence of service personnel. The water temperature at the outlet of the boilers is 105°C. The coolant at the outlet of the boiler room: for heat consumption systems - 90°С; for the DHW system - 65°С. To compensate for thermal expansion of water in the boiler circuit, an expansion tank Reflex NG80 / 6 with a volume of V = 80 liters is provided.