Estimates for the demolition of an emergency building

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Building demolition estimate

Base price with VAT
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Price $12.00
Price $12.00
Index: 58.193.261
Data Sheet: Estimated documentation
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Data volume: 157 MB
File Format: *.doc, *.xlsx
Expert opinion: a positive
Estimates for the demolition of an emergency building. Object: Demolition of an emergency building

Technical and economic indicators
Building volume, m3: 19084,00
Building area, m2: 2
Floors, fl.: 6
Total duration of construction, months: 61

Cost indicators
Estimated cost at the 2001 base price level (without VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 3388,50
Construction and installation works, thousand rubles: 2759,56
Equipment, thousand rubles:
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 628,94
PIR, thousand rubles: 238,58
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 4,36
Estimated cost at current price level October 2011 (including VAT)
Total: thousand rubles: 21657,73
Construction and installation works, thousand rubles: 18381,75
Equipment, thousand rubles:
Other expenses, thousand rubles: 3275,98
PIR, thousand rubles: 998,26
VAT, thousand rubles: 3289,04
refundable amounts, thousand rubles: 29,06

Information about the standards used, as well as the applied indices for transferring the estimated cost from the base price level to the current level

The estimated cost of construction is determined by the base-index method. Local estimates are made in the base prices of 2001 according to the collections TER-2001 SPb, TERm-2001 SPb, TERr-2001 SPb of the estimated-normative base "Gosetalon 12". The cost of materials, products and structures is taken according to the collection of average estimated prices for basic materials, products and structures used in construction (SSSC St. Petersburg). The recalculation of the estimated cost from the base to the current price level for October 2013 was carried out taking into account the indices of changes in the estimated cost to the elements of direct costs in accordance with the order of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade No. 09-1915 / 13-0-1 dated 30.09.2013. 81. When determining the estimated cost, overhead costs and estimated profit are determined by type of work from the payroll in accordance with MDS 33.2004-81, MDS 25.2001-9094, taking into account letter No. 08-IP / 27.11.2012 of the Ministry of Regional Development and clarifications in accordance with the letter of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing municipal services dated November 29630, 19 No. 81-VK/05. Costs for temporary buildings and structures are taken in accordance with GSN01-2001-81-05. Additional costs for the performance of work in winter are taken in accordance with GSN02-2007-XNUMX-XNUMX.

Information about operational changes made to the estimate documentation in the process of checking the estimated cost

The volumes of work on waste disposal are accepted according to the actual, confirmed by the certificate of acceptance of construction waste in the 4th quarter of 2013 of the Committee for Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Environmental Safety dated 06.12.2013. The cost of the examination is taken at actual costs. Local estimates have been corrected: volumes and types of work have been brought into line with the project; prices for dismantling the foundation and backfilling have been changed; volumes and types of work are taken into account on the basis of the statement of scope of work agreed by the customer; The cost of design and survey work has been corrected: There has been an increase in the cost of design and survey work: the scope of work has been clarified in accordance with the adopted design decisions.
